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Rose Hip Vital Review – 8 Things You Should Know

By Sasha de Beausset Aparicio, MSc

Reviewed by Rebecca Williams, MD, MA, MB, BChir

Last Updated:

Evidence Based | Overview | Ingredients | Benefits | Cautions | Cost | How To Take | Verdict

Rose Hip Vital is an anti-inflammatory formula which features an extract from rosehip (Rosa Canina L). The formula is manufactured by Hyben Vital ApS, a family-owned company headquartered in the Danish Islands of Langeland, Australia. They have been producing rosehip based formulas since early 1980’s. Today the company farms rosehip on more than 200 hectares (from over 40 distributors located Denmark and Sweden) using no pesticides or fertilizers.

The method used by Hyben Vital ApS to process and obtain the rosehip extracts used to create the majority of their formulas has been patented. It is a special drying process through which compound GOPO is isolated. GOPO is a Galactolipid that has been scientifically researched and patented which is believed to be helpful in the treatment of joint inflammation and stiffness, improving mobility and flexibility.GOPO acts by blocking the accumulation of white blood cells in the joints thus reducing inflammation risk and associated pain.

The claimed benefits of Rose Hip Vital are: temporary relief of the pain caused by osteoarthritis, rheumatism and arthritis, increased joint mobility, relief from inflammation and joint swelling, improvement of the symptoms of lower back pain and osteoarthritis in the hands.

Rosa Hip Vital is commercialized as capsules or as powder.


1) Quick Overview

Rose Hip Vital is an herbal based supplement. The single active ingredient is the rose hip extract, which is the fruit of the rose plant. It is generally consumed as a food (within marmalade, jelly, pies, or bread) and within drinks (teas, syrups, wine, and other beverages).

Fresh rose hips are a rich source of vitamin C and are used by medicine aimed at preventing and treating cold, flu, and vitamin C deficiencies. However, most of the vitamin C is lost during the drying and storage processes and many rose hip based supplements are usually fortified with lab-made vitamin C in order to increase their effectiveness. Rose hip is considered generally safe for adults in both food and medicinal amounts. Mild side effects such as nausea, constipation, stomach cramps, headaches, or allergic reactions (when inhaling rose hip dust) may occur.

The main uses of rose hip as medicine include obesity, rheumatoid arthritis, fever, stomach irritation, infections, boosting the immune system, and preventing/treating colds. However, there is still insufficient evidence of the effectiveness in treating most of these conditions.

Hyben Vital’s formula is one of the few products clinically researched and proven effective in improving some symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

The formula participated in a trial which used 112 patients. They were involved in a 3 months double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. The resulting data indicated that Hyben Vital’s product reduces the symptoms of osteoarthritis (joint paint, stiffness, improving also sleep quality, energy levels and mood).


2) Details on Rose Hip Vital Ingredients and Uses

Rose Hip Vital contains the following ingredients: Rosa Canina L. (rosehip) fruit powder 500mg with Galactolipids (GOPO).

3) What Does Rose Hip Vital Do?

Rose-Hip Vital is based on the real properties of Rosa Canina. The makers state this formula can effectively reduce arthritic pain and promote mobility.

The use of Rosa Canina in the treatment of arthritis is rare but not uncommon. This plant is used in a wide variety of preparations because it is an excellent source of vitamins, especially Vitamin C. Herbalists recommend tea made from the fruits of Rosa Canina to strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, support the liver and kill intestinal parasites.

The results of recent studies conducted in Denmark and Germany showed that extracts from the rose hip could be beneficial in treating rheumatoid arthritis. According to the published evidence, most patients reported an improvement in their mobility by 20 to 25%. They reported a reduction in joint pain and inflammation. Although not confirmed, GOPO may be directly related to the reduced inflammation and increased mobility. Further evidence is required to determine whether the rose hip is also beneficial to individuals suffering from osteoarthritis.

The manufacturer recommends taking five capsules of Rose-Hip Vital twice per day with meals in the first three weeks. After that, take five capsules once daily.

There are testimonials posted online about Rose-Hip Vital posted online. What is being reported includes:

  • Helped me in the management of arthritic pain

  • Reduced joint stiffness

  • Highly effective in the long term

  • It helped in the reduction of joint inflammation


4) Rose Hip Vital Benefits & Results

  • Reputable manufacturer
  • Acknowledged source of the active ingredient as effective for prescribed conditions
  • Researched formula
  • Patented processes and active ingredient
  • Free of allergenic substances and preservatives


5) What You Need to Know Before Taking Rose Hip Vital

  • No money back guarantee
  • No free trial
  • Reduced number of consumer reviews


6) Rose Hip Vital Cost

Rose-Hip Vital is expensive. However, it is sold by 250 capsules, so the average price per daily serving is not that high.

This product can easily be purchased online. The manufacturer uses a secured website and may offer free delivery. Of course, it can be acquired from other retailers. You may be offered discounts or money-back guarantees.

How To Take

7) How to Take Rose Hip Vital

Rose Hip Vital’s suggested dose is of 5 capsules twice a day for 3 weeks (with meals). If no side-effects occur, the dosage is to be maintained.


8) Our Verdict on Rose Hip Vital

Rose Hip Vital formula is marketed as a natural formula, effective in relieving a variety of symptoms associated with arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatism and the discomfort caused by joint inflammation. The supplement is one of the few researched formulas and has been shown in one study to be effective in treating the conditions for which it is advertised. A unique patented drying process is used in order to preserve the qualities of the rose hip and to obtain quality extracts. The formula may accomplish its purpose, however a healthcare provider should be consulted if you decide to include this in your treatment plan.

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colleen Handley

I have a Kidney Problem and arhritis. is it safe to take this medication

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Rose Hip Vital
Have you tried this product?
Brenda Willoughby

I believed in the idea of rose hip vital and tried it on my hubby, myself, and my two doggies. My hubby got sick to his stomach in a few days. I use the rose hips for over a month and then notice I got nauseous within half an hour of taking this in a smoothy. then my dog got so sick I took him yesterday to the vet. We did a blood test. My dog is running a temp. I will update it. But my feeling is the amount is too high for humans or dogs. Since 4 humans/dogs had bad stomach problems. I suggest not going with this.

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Not sure why my hubby and I and my 2 dogs got tummy problems with this

I have recommended Rose Hip Vital to friends in Germany. It is difficult for them to find the same product. Should they order direct from the factory in Denmark? Is it called the same?

Reply to  Maggie

The product in Germany is called LitoFlex