Super Cell Protector is produced and distributed by Youngevity, an American company established in 1997 in San Diego, California. The core benefits marketed by the manufacturer are: boost of immune function and cardiac output, essential help for: healthy eye function, healthy skin, easy sleep, low blood pressure, enhanced sexual performance. It also supports the fat loss process and gaining of muscle.
The producing company advertises their product as the first all Grape Seed Extracts formula, 50 times stronger than Vitamin E and 20 times stronger than Vitamin C. All of these properties lead to an optimal well being.
Youngevity states their purpose is that of providing high quality and technologically advanced products for health- conscious individuals and help them reach their health and lifestyle full potential.
1) Super Cell Protector at a Glance
Super Cell Protector is advertised as multi-benefit vitamin enriched grape seed extract formulation.
Grape seed extract (Vitis Vinifera) has been known for its medicinal and nutritional value for thousands of years and was traditionally used as treatment for skin and eye diseases, sore throats and kidney and liver diseases.
Today grapes are known best for their antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are substances which play an essential role in destroying free radicals, harmful compounds in human body responsible for DNA damage and cell death. Free radicals’ harmful effects facilitate body degradation and appearance of health problems (such as cancer).
2) What’s Inside Super Cell Protector?
Super Cell Protector contains the following ingredients:Vitamin B-12 (as cyanocobalamin) , Calcium (from calcium glycinate) , Iron (from ferrous bis-glycinate), Iodine (from potassium iodide), Magnesium (from magnesium glycinate), Zinc (from zinc glycinate) Selenium (from selenium glycinate), Copper (from copper glycinate) , Manganese (from manganese glycinate), Chromium (from chromium glycinate),Molybdenum (from molybdenum glycinate), Potassium (from potassium iodide), Grape Seed Extract (vitis vinifera) , Cobalt (from cyanocobalamin), Vanadium (from vanadyl sulfate).
Some of the ingredients here can also be found in other superfoods like Boku Superfood.
3) Does Super Cell Protector Work?
Super Cell Protector is comprised of various minerals and herbs. It is promoted as a product that can support the general health. According to the manufacturer, this formula has many benefits: lose fat, gain muscle, supports immune function, enhances sexual performance, supports cardiac output, supports cholesterol profile, supports skin elasticity, supports healthy skin, supports vision, supports quality of sleep, promotes exercise performance, helps blood pressure, supports healthy eye function and promotes optimal well-being.
Unfortunately, the information we have about this formula is extremely limited. We were able to find several customers testimonials, but most of them appear to be mixed, even slightly negative. Many people have reported very few improvements after using this supplement.
The manufacturer also claims that Super Cell Protector was produced to the highest standards, but once again, there is little evidence to support this assertion.
On the other hand, the formula does contain several vitamins and minerals that are essential for a proper body function. Minerals such as Calcium, Iron or Magnesium are imperative, and a deficiency in these minerals can lead to serious health concerns.
The recommended dose of Super Cell Protector is three capsules per day. Some people experience an upset stomach if they don’t take it with food. Super Cell Protector was associated with several mild side effects, including headaches, constipation, and irritability.
4) Super Cell Protector Benefits & Results
- Te grape seed extract has a beneficial effect on the general well-being
- Wide spectrum of claimed benefits
- Advertised as the first formula made entirely from grape seed extract.
5) Precautions of Super Cell Protector Use
- Lack of general information and consumer reviews
- The product is not FDA approved, nor is it clinically tested.
6) Super Cell Protector Cost
Each bottle of Super Cell Protector contains 90 capsules, which should be enough for one month of treatment at a recommended dosage of 3 capsules per day. Super Cell Protector is an averagely-priced supplement.
Shipping costs are calculated based on the shipping address. Extra charges may apply for overnight or two-day shipping options.
7) How to Use Super Cell Protector
The manufacturer mentions no side effects associated to the product, nor does it bring forward any clinical research results to support the benefit claims.The recommended daily dose is 3 capsules.
8) Conclusion
Super Cell Protector is marketed as a dietary supplement with a wide spectrum of benefits, ranging from lowering blood pressure, to improving eye health to increasing sexual performance. Without any empirical evidence or systematic research results, the manufacturer’s claims have little credibility. Consequently, for precautionary reasons, we recommend a healthcare provider is consulted prior to starting treatment.
Also, the information available on the formula is extremely limited, either offered by the manufacturer or by consumer reviews and testimonials. The several consumer testimonials we found are mixed, even slightly negative, as most consumers have reported little improvement after using Super Cell Protector.