Fresh Catch Fish Oil is advertised as a source of ultra-purified fish oil designed to provide optimum levels of EPA and DHA. The core benefit of the formula is to bring vibrant health and energy to its consumers, by nutritionally key body functions and system, specifically the heart, joint and mobility, blood, cholesterol, eyes, mental health, energy & endurance, skin and hair and sexual performance health.
According to the manufacturer, the formula is compliant to the norms and regulations set forth by the Council for responsible nutrition and received the highest rating from the International Fish Oil Standard (a 5 star). Also, the formula is laboratory tested, certified and validated free of detectable contaminants.
The manufacturer is a U.S. based company called Barlean’s. The company was founded in 1972 and manufactures a variety of Omega-3 based product for adults and children. The company has received numerous awards for its products.
1) Fresh Catch Fish Oil Quick Facts
Fresh Catch Fish Oil is a blend of the Omega – 3 fatty acids DHA and EPA. The formula benefits from a Five Layer Oxidation Protection System, which guarantees the freshest and most nutritious fish oil. The system includes the package design (black opaque nitrogen flushed bottles to prevent light induced and oxygen induced oxidation) as well as other features specially designed to protect from most known sources of damage.
Modern research has shown that Omega-3 fatty acids may help reduce inflammation, lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and arthritis.However, Omega-3 supplements containing EPA and DHA may determine the blood to thin and thus may cause excess bleeding or interact with anticoagulant medication. Also, their high concentration in the brain led to the conclusion that Omega-3 plays an important role in cognitive function and behavioral health. Symptoms of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency include poor memory, fatigue, dry skin, heart problems, mood problems, depression and poor circulation.
The manufacturer mentions no side effects associated to the formula, although side effects of Omega-3 have been reported and include: heartburn, diarrhea, indigestion and fishy aftertaste. More serious side effects include high blood sugar, allergic reactions and signs of bleeding.
2) What’s Inside Fresh Catch Fish Oil?
Fresh Catch Fish Oil includes the following ingredients: EPA – Eicosapentanoic acid, DHA – Docosahexanoic acid, other Omega-3 fatty Acids, and Vitamin E Natural (D-Alpha Tocopherol).
3) Is Fresh Catch Fish Oil Right for You?
Advertised as a product which should help people improve their general health by providing essential nutrients for their organism, Fresh Catch Fish Oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids in combination with Vitamin E. As a result of research, Omega-3 fatty acids are considered essential for the human body for it to work properly. Unfortunately, the human body is incapable of producing them. Therefore individuals need to acquire these essential acids either from food, such as fish, seafood or nut oils or dietary supplements. Evidence has shown that these fatty acids can help reduce inflammation and can even play a role when it comes to people dealing with heart diseases or cancer.
The two most important Omega-3 fatty acids are EPA (Eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). It is believed that EPA can help with individuals dealing with ADHD because of its ability to help the development of children’s brains. However, researches in this matter were rendered inconclusive. On the other hand, DHA may provide positive results for people dealing with depression. Some studies suggest that EPA is the fatty acids from Omega-3 that might have a positive effect instead of DHA. These fatty acids have been combined with vitamin E, and it is said that this combination has proved effective for people.
There are online testimonials about Fresh Catch Fish Oil. What is being reported includes:
- Great fish oil
- No bad taste after consumption
- Good price
4) What Fresh Catch Fish Oil Does?
- Five Layer Oxidation Protection System
- 100% money-back guarantee
- Positive consumer reviews who report great price and increased effectiveness
- The manufacturer enjoys a good reputation
5) Fresh Catch Fish Oil Product Warnings
- The characteristic fish aftertaste reported as the main inconvenient
6) Fresh Catch Fish Oil Cost
Fresh Catch Fish Oil is sold by bottles containing either 100 or 250 soft gels. Its price is considered to be affordable, especially in comparison with similar products. When bought in larger quantities, discounts and promotions are offered.
7) Directions For Taking Fresh Catch Fish Oil
Consumer reviews report excellent results and a fair price for a quality product. No Fresh Catch Fish Oil side effects are being reported either. The recommended dose is 2 soft gels per day.
8) Our Bottom Line
Fresh Catch Fish Oil is an Omega3 fatty acids blend designed to provide day to day nutritional support and supply the Omega 3 daily required dosages. The Five Layer Oxidation Protection System features help maintain the product’s freshness and prevent the product’s damage by light, oxidation and other external factors.The formula is manufactured by a company who has received recognition from nutrition organizations, which testify for its high-quality products and ingredients.
Fresh Catch Fish Oil is covered by a 100% money-back guarantee. Also, consumer reviews have been extremely positive; the only downside mentioned being the fishy aftertaste, a very common feature of fish oil products. Still, this is a highly-qualitative product. We recommend, as with all supplements, that you seek specialized advice prior to starting treatment.
Seem to be an excellent solution if you want to improve your memory. I’m using it for almost 1 month already and I’m really happy with the results.