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Mason Natural Review – Is it Effective?

By Sasha de Beausset Aparicio, MSc

Reviewed by Rebecca Williams, MD, MA, MB, BChir

Last Updated:

Evidence Based | Synopsis | Ingredients | Health Benefits | Cautions | Directions | Conclusion

Mason Natural is advertised as an aid for memory and concentration, while also promoting circulation to the brain and the body. The formula contains 500 mg Ginkgo Biloba leaf extract; however the manufacturer, Mason Natural, offers little details on the product claimed benefits.

Mason Natural was founded in 1967 and currently manufactures and distributes worldwide over 400 vitamins and supplements. The company is located in the U.S.A and claims they use modern machinery and GMP compliant laboratories in their production processes.

According to the manufacturer, the product is preservatives, artificial colors, sugar, yeast, soy and flavors free. Pregnant and nursing women, people on other medication or planning to go into surgery should consult their doctor before starting using the product.


1) Mason Natural at a Glance

Mason Natural is a single ingredient based on the Ginkgo Biloba leaves extract. The product is designed to help blood flow circulation, with direct impact on memory and concentration capacity.

Ginkgo Biloba leaf extract has been used as a medicinal ingredient for centuries. Its neuro protective, anti-oxidant and circulation enhancement properties are well-known and have determined a number of utilizations of the product in various treatment plans. That is why the plant enjoys considerable attention from modern medicine practitioners. Ginkgo Biloba is found today in remedies against Alzheimer’s disease associated symptoms (dizziness, absent-mindedness and depression), memory loss, headache, depression, eye and ear problems, vertigo, etc.

Although the manufacturer does not specify any side effects for the product, Ginkgo Biloba has been associated to some mild side effects, such as constipation, headache, increased heart rate and dizziness. There is some concern that Ginkgo leaf extract might increase the risk of blleding and bruising. Daily value has not been established yet. Also, there is concern that Ginkgo thins the blood and therefore decreases its ability to clot. This is why people planning to go under surgery are advised to be careful.


2) Mason Natural Ingredients

Mason Natural includes the following ingredients: Ginkgo Biloba (leaves), Magnesium Stearate, and Gelatin.

Health Benefits

3) Mason Natural Health Benefits

  • Natural supplement
  • Reputable manufacturer
  • Relatively cheap supplement ($8 for a 3 month’s supply)

If you prefer a premium formula with potent ingredients, we think you’ll like Neora EHT Brain Formula.


4) What You Need to Know Before Taking Mason Natural

  • Lack of differentiation points from similar products based solely on Ginkgo Biloba leaf extract
  • No money back guarantee available

5) Mason Natural Directions

The recommended daily dosage is 1 capsule. Consumer reviews are unavailable.


6) Conclusion

Mason Natural is a formula based on the extract of Ginkgo Biloba leaf, an extremely popular ingredient especially in natural remedies today.

The manufacturer is a reputable company, with an extensive business experience, however information on the product and how it is different from similar products is not disclosed.The product does however enjoy a good price and although consumer reviews for it do not exist, other company products have been praised for their good quality and quality-price ratio.

Ginkgo Biloba has powerful blood circulation properties; therefore it comes with some warnings and precautions. In case of considering a treatment with this product or similar products, we recommend you talk to a healthcare professional.

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