Michael’s Memory Factor is developed by a company called Michael’s Naturopathic Programs; this company was founded in 1985 by Michael Schwartz, a naturopathic counselor with over 35 years’ experience in the field of natural supplements and healing. The company has a large selection of products, for various ailments and conditions.
The product, as the name suggests, is meant to increase cognition, by boosting the memory capacities of its customers. The manufacturer claims that taking this supplement will not only reduce your difficulty remembering things, but also reduce the time needed for learning and create a greater affinity for details. This product description makes the supplement ideal for people experiencing cognitive difficulties due to aging or trauma, or for students and teenagers that need an extra boost for their exams or schoolwork.
1) Michael’s Memory Factor at a Glance
Michael’s Memory Factor is composed of a mixed formulation of herbal, vitamin, mineral and amino-acid ingredients. Many of these ingredients might seem familiar, as they are very often used in supplements that deal with memory issues.
The vitamin content in the composition list might be misleading, as people generally associate vitamins with an inherently good effect. However, this is not always the effect. In the case of the vitamins listed here, vitamins E, B1, B9 and B3, the effects that they might have on the human brain is under debate. These vitamins are known for being efficient when dealing with a deficiency, but in the case of a healthy body and diet, there is little proof that this formulation can perform as advertised.
The effect for this supplement might be slightly delayed, taking up to 2-4 weeks for it to take effect, differing based on metabolism, body weight and age. Luckily, the product has a 30-day return policy, so if people don’t experience any positive effects from it, they can easily return it and recover their money.
There are some side effects associated with this product, such as mild headaches, nausea, and dry mouth. It is recommended that you do not take this supplement if you are nursing or pregnant.
2) Details on Michael’s Memory Factor Ingredients and Uses
Michael’s Memory Factor contains: Vitamin E, Thiamin, Folic Acid, Niacin, Manganese, Selenium, Zinc, Magnesium, Pantothenic Acid, Gotu Kola, Choline, Inositol, Chinese Club Moss, PABA, Tyrosine, Taurine, and Methionine.
3) Does Michael’s Memory Factor Work?
Michael’s Memory Factor is a combination of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and herbs. It is claimed to help cleanse the mind and offer a calming effect so that a person can focus. By doing so, that allows them to concentrate on information that they will be able to recall later on easily. While the product contains valuable minerals and vitamins, it is important to keep a healthy diet at all times.
Many memory related supplements have some of the herbs and amino acids listed here. You may not experience any effects, positive or negative, right away. It may take from 2 to 4 weeks of using Michael’s Memory Factor before someone feels the full effect from the product. This also depends on the amount you take on a daily basis.
Some possible side effects include dry mouth, nausea, and headaches. Women who are nursing or pregnant shouldn’t take it. Anyone that uses daily prescription medications should talk to their doctor before doing so.
4) Michael’s Memory Factor Health Benefits
- Affordable product, supply for one month costs around $24
- It is possible to purchase directly from the manufacturer
- Contains no artificial ingredients or stimulants
- Return possible within 30 days of delivery
5) What You Need to Know Before Taking Michael’s Memory Factor
- No evidence of clinical testing done to support product claims
- Some mild side effects can occur following consumption
- The onset of the effects can be very slow for some people
- No possibility of a free trial
6) How Much Does Michael’s Memory Factor Cost?
A bottle of Michael’s Memory Factor contains 90 tablets, is moderately priced, and can last you a full month. However, shipping is not included in the price. The cost of shipping will be determined based on location.
Orders typically ship within 2 business days. It may take several weeks for this product to be received in countries outside of the USA. There is two-day and overnight shipping that can be used but there are additional charges to get Michael’s Memory Factor so fast.
7) Directions For Taking Michael’s Memory Factor
The dose recommended by the manufacturer is 3 tablets each day, but this amount can vary based of body weight and metabolism.
8) Bottom Line – Does It Really Work?
With the amount of people experiencing memory difficulties increasing, more and more supplements are emerging, claiming that they can solve the cognitive issues that people have due to stress and aging. This is also the case of Michael’s Memory Factor, which, like most brain supplements, presents very appealing product claims but fails to back them up with medical evidence.
The product’s credibility is partially restored by reports from people that have already tried the supplement; the customers say that they experienced a feeling or mental relief, remembering things with ease and having a much steeper learning curve. This being the case, it leaves it up to each individual to decide whether Michael’s Memory Factor is the right product for them, following research and talking to their doctor.