D3-50 Cholecalciferol is a D3 supplement that aims to provide the body with the essential steroidal hormone that gives its name, a substance affecting nearly 3,000 genes in human anatomy. The U.S. maker, BioTech Pharmacal Inc., started out as a family-run small business in 1984, and gradually crafted an image of quality and compliance with FDA regulations, as well as GMPs that ensured their presence as a worthwhile competitor on the supplement market.
Vitamin D receptors are found in close to all types of human cells, from the nervous system to our bones, and Vitamin D deficiency is not a condition targeting individuals who are not getting enough to eat or who do not have a balanced diet. In fact, it seems that a small percentage of the urban population manages to acquire the necessary Vitamin D by natural means, since this requires regular exposure to the sun. On average, it would take three times a week of no more than 30 minutes of sunbathing (face, arms and neck at least) to ensure that our bodies can synthetize this substance naturally. D3-50 Cholecalciferol comes as a viable solution to our busy lifestyles, which rarely allow us to stay outdoors nowadays.
Approximately 87% more potent than D2, D3-50 Cholecalciferol is also absorbed 500% faster by the body than its counterpart, whilst having a longer shelf-life and a higher percent of binding with proteins in our system. Since the dietary possibilities of making up for D shortage are limited and exclusively of animal provenance, BioTech’s product offers a reliable and effective Vitamin D source for consumers.
1) Quick Overview
D3-50 Cholecalciferol is such an amazing product because of its high density of substance per serving. This means that you do not need to take more than one pill (the recommended dosage unless instructed otherwise by a healthcare specialist) per week in order to maintain an optimal level of Vitamin D in your system. While it is not vegan, BioTech’s supplement is considered vegetarian, as the animal is only sheared and not harmed in the process. However, it is possible to overdose Vitamin D, the direct consequence of which is to increase blood calcium levels. Thus, auto-immune diseases such as sarcoidosis or lymphoma, as well as tuberculosis patients can react badly to overdose.
Most healthcare specialists would advise people not to resort to D3-50 Cholecalciferol, but rather to acquire their Vitamin D the natural way, through exposure to the sun. The first benefit of doing so is the impossibility to overdose, because our bodies simply stop producing Vitamin D once we have enough. The second advantage is that exposure to the sun doesn’t only produce Vitamin D, but also cholesterol sulfate, a substance that is essential to our heart and cardiovascular health. In fact, robust scientific research identified the lack of cholesterol sulfate as a one of the definite causes of heart failure. Last but not least, Vitamin D sulfate, the water-soluble version of the substance, is also produced when exposing our skin to the sun. Water-soluble Vitamin D can travel through our bloodstream without the aid of LDL (or “bad” cholesterol).
The health ramifications of exposure to the sun cannot be replaced by regularly consuming D3-50 Cholecalciferol. Nevertheless, even if there is no free trial offer, no complaints could be found about the supplement not being effective. When lacking the possibility to naturally acquire this vital compound to our organism’s healthy functioning, BioTech’s product is a miracle-worker.
2) Ingredients of D3-50 Cholecalciferol
D3-50 Cholecalciferol contains the following ingredients per serving: Vitamin D3 (in the form of cholecalciferol: 50,000 IU per serving, 12,500% of the daily recommended value).
3) Does D3-50 Cholecalciferol Work?
D3-50 Cholecalciferol provides a huge amount of vitaminD3 per serving. You should know that there are two types of vitamin D: D2 and D3. Although doctors sometimes prescribe vitamin D2 as a means of restring the levels of vitamin D, it has been scientifically shown that this type is far less absorbable than the D3 form. The explanation offered by researchers is the amount of time required by the liver to metabolize each of these forms, in the case of D2, a much longer period. The D3 is transformed into a bioactive form that will transform in the hormone form which is the one it will further participate in the numerous processes.
Vitamin D3 uses refer to the treatment of numerous diseases including rickets (a Calcium deficiency affecting children causing their bones to easily break and become deformed), osteoporosis (Calcium deficiency affecting the elderly, mostly women), depression, diabetes, heart conditions, autoimmune disorders, or obesity.
However, the worrying thing about this particular supplement is the large amount provided per serving. While the daily recommended intake for generally healthy adults is around 600IU, one capsule of D3-50 Cholecalciferol provides 50,000 IU of vitamin D3. Consumption of such a high amount on a daily basis for several months in a row is considered to potentially cause Vitamin D toxicity which can further lead to over accumulation of Calcium in the blood. Hypercalcemia is the name of this condition and its symptoms should not be ignored nor taken lightly. The most common include: nausea, weakness, poor appetite, vomiting, headaches, or confusion. The kidneys will also be affected, as they will have to work harder to eliminate all that Calcium excess. Some people will probably experience bone pain and muscle weakness.
4) D3-50 Cholecalciferol Health Benefits
- BioTech has a high standard of quality – no colors or flavors and minimal fillers are used in the manufacturing process.
- Great for individuals with intolerance to soy and peanuts. No traces of these are inherent to the product.
- Amazing value – a bottle of 100 capsules should be enough for roughly 2 years.
- Exponentially more potent than D2.
5) D3-50 Cholecalciferol Product Warnings
- Fat soluble, meaning LDL is required to transport it within the bloodstream.
- Does not fully replace the benefits of sun exposure.
- Possibility to over-dose and cause side effects in combination with certain diseases.
6) How Much Does D3-50 Cholecalciferol Cost?
D3-50 Cholecalciferol is available for online ordering directly from the manufacturer’s website for the price of $34.50. One bottle contains 100 capsules, which at a recommended dose of 1 capsule daily, should last for approximately three months.
7) D3-50 Cholecalciferol Directions
D3-50 Cholecalciferol has made the subjects of numerous clinical studies which proved its beneficial effects in patients with end stage renal disease, subjects with impaired fasting glucose, hemodialysis patients, adults with cystic fibrosis and many more.
8) Final Thoughts on D3-50 Cholecalciferol
BioTech’s D3-50 Cholecalciferol is an important step forward in fighting off the global deficiency of Vitamin D. Given the value it offers, quality and high density per serving, this is an affordable and healthy alternative for individuals who cannot get enough sun exposure.
Admittedly, very few people are aware of their Vitamin D insufficiency, a lack which triggers a cascade effect within our bodies. From the cardiovascular system, to the strength of our bone structure and even the well-functioning of our nervous structures, D3-50 Cholecalciferol constitutes an excellent source of D3.
In addition, taking D3-50 Cholecalciferolis, and thus supplying for a shortage of this substance helps fight a host of diseases, among which we can identify cancer, hypertension, heart conditions, autism, obesity, arthiritis, type 1 and 2 diabetes, tuberculosis and many others. All of the above considered, BioTech’s product is an irreplaceable presence on the market and a clear success on all levels.