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Ultra Stress Review – 8 Facts to Consider

By Sasha de Beausset Aparicio, MSc

Reviewed by Rebecca Williams, MD, MA, MB, BChir

Last Updated:

Evidence Based | Facts | Formula | Claims | Cautions | Cost | How To Use | Bottom Line

Ultra Stress is advertised as an Iron and vitamin C enriched natural formula designed to assist with stress reduction and help increase energy levels.

According to the manufacturer, the mega-potency stress formula targets people who experience stress or symptoms of stress (tiredness, low energy levels, etc) and to high-intensity athletes who need a boost in energy. This is a gluten, artificial colors and preservatives free formula. Also the micro-gel sustained release system ensures a gradual release of ingredients over a prolonged period of time

Information on potential side effects or exact mechanism of action is nonexistent.

The manufacturing company is Nature’s Plus, an experienced U.S. business with more than 30 years of activity. The company markets a variety of natural dietary supplements and nutritional products for a variety of health conditions, ranging from natural defense products to heart problems. They’re also the same company behind Source Of Life Liquid Red.


1) Ultra Stress Quick Facts

Ultra Stress is a vitamin based formula designed to support the body’s natural energy production capacity, overcoming stress related symptoms. The product is a cocktail of essential B complex vitamins, Vitamin C and nutrients.

B12 is a water-soluble vitamin essential for the normal functioning of the brain, nervous system, and for blood formation. Deficiencies of B 12 can potentially cause irreversible and severe damage, especially to the brain and nervous system. Symptoms include fatigue, depression and weak (at levels only slightly lower than normal).

PABA is an organic compound whose claimed, although not clinically demonstrated benefits include areas such as fatigue, irritability, depression, eczema and skin pigmentation, etc


2) What Are Ultra Stress Ingredients?

Ultra Stress includes the following ingredients: Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, PABA, Choline, Inositol, Niacin, and Calcium.

3) Does Ultra Stress Work?

Ultra Stress consists of herbs as well as vitamins, minerals and amino acids. It is offered as a product that helps to keep the mind and the body free of stresses. It is also promoted as a product that many athletes take to reduce fatigue and stress that can hinder their overall level of performance. According to the manufacturer, one tablet should be taken per day to contribute to reducing stress levels and fatigue.

It is important to note that while the body does need these vitamins and minerals, the best way to obtain them is from whole foods. This product was not meant to replace a healthy diet.

The lack of information about this formula is also a bit concerning. There are no relevant clinical trials and researches to support the manufacturer’s claims. While most of the ingredients included in this formula have shown Effectiveness in treating stress, depression, anxiety and in improving the cognitive function, there is little evidence to support the connection between the overall method and reduction of stress or fatigue.

We have found some testimonials and customers’ reviews during our online research. What is being reported includes the following:

No side effects
Fast acting formula
Good quality


4) Ultra Stress Claims

  • Complex of essential vitamins and nutrients
  • Experienced manufacturer with a good reputation

5) What You Need to Know Before Taking Ultra Stress

  • Not researched product gives it little credibility
  • Poor differentiation claims from similar products
  • Little general information on the product mechanism of action

6) How Much Does Ultra Stress Cost?

Ultra Stress is offered in bottles of 30, 60 or 90 capsules. The recommended dose is one tablet per so even the smallest bottle should last for a full month of treatment.

The average price per capsule is what makes Ultra Stress a excellent deal. However, the cost of this product may vary from one retailer to another. It is a good idea to take some time to compare the prices offered locally.

How To Use

7) How to Use Ultra Stress

No side effects information are disclosed by the manufacturer, nor does it mention any research conducted on the supplement.Recommended use is one tablet daily, preferably taken with a meal.

Bottom Line

8) Our Bottom Line

Ultra Stress is a vitamin and nutrients packed formulation designed to reduce stress. The benefit claims made are no different from an incredible large number of similar composition products. Vitamins however are best taken from a healthy food diet, therefore any vitamin supplement is not intended to replace that.

Also, we could not find any consumer reviews. The formula contains Iron, which, taken in large quantities may lead to iron poisoning and prove fatal in children under 6 years of age, therefore the product should be kept away from children.

The supplement has not been approved by the FDA. We therefore strongly recommend to seek the advice of a healthcare practitioner for a complete health evaluation and a correct diagnose.

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