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Enzycore Review – 7 Things You Should Know Before You Buy

By Sasha de Beausset Aparicio, MSc

Reviewed by Rebecca Williams, MD, MA, MB, BChir

Last Updated:

Evidence Based | Summary | What's Inside? | Cost | Directions | Does it Work

Enzycore is advertised as a blend of microbial enzymes and whole-food ingredients specifically designed to improve nutritional absorption and overall digestion. Manufactured by Standard Processes, Enzycore contains many enzymes that are essential for breaking down different food classes.

This article reviews Enzycore, its ingredients, potential benefits, and side effects, if any. Please read this article if you are considering using Enzycore to provide supplemental digestive enzymes.


1) What is Enzycore?

Enzycore is a nutritional supplement that supports the digestive system by maximizing nutrient breakdown and absorption. It contains a proprietary blend of enzymes that occur naturally in the body and are used to break down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates so that the body can better absorb them.

What’s Inside?

2) What’s Inside Enzycore?

Enzycore contains L-glutamine, organic kale (aerial parts), organic beet (root), amylase, protease 4.5, glucoamylase, alpha-galactosidase, lactase, peptidase, protease 6.0, acid maltase, protease 3.0, invertase, lipase, and bromelain.

3) What Does Enzycore Do?

Enzycore contains enzymes that can within a broad range of pH to improve digestion and break down fats, protein, and carbohydrates.

  • Peptase and Proteases break down and help digest proteins

  • Lipase breaks down fat

  • Acid maltase, Alpha-galactosidase, Amylase, Invertase, and Lactase help break down the many kinds of carbohydrates in our diet

  • Glutamine provides energy to cells with high energy needs (like those in the intestines) as it can be used as an energy source

  • Bromelain, an enzyme complex, also helps break down proteins

Overall, Enzycore provides support to both gastric and intestinal phases of digestion

Where to Buy?

4) Where to Buy Enzycore?

You can buy Enzycore from Amazon, iHerb, Walmart, and other online retailers.


5) Enzycore Cost

Enzycore costs $45.88 for a 150-count supply.


6) Directions For Taking Enzycore

Take one capsule three times per day with meals.

Does it Work

7) Bottom Line – Does It Really Work?

Enzycore is a dietary supplement that aims to improve digestive functions by providing gastric and intestinal support during digestion. It contains a proprietary blend of enzymes and amino acids that also help to increase nutrient absorption.

Although no specific research has been linked to the use of Enzycore, its manufacturer, Standard Processes, is highly reputable and uses well-researched ingredients in its formulations. Overall, Enzycore may be the right supplement to improve your digestion and nutrient absorption.

3.8/5 - (13 votes)
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Patti W. Cartwright

I’ve had stomach pains since I was first born! However, after two weeks with this treatment, they’ve started to become less intense. I’m pleased with this product.

Todd M. Girard

Enzycore enzymes help digest the food so the stomach does not have to produce extra acid. Without the production of more acid, there is no acid leaving the stomach causing reflux. Enzycore seems to be helping a lot.

Kim Lightner
Reply to  Todd M. Girard

Has this still been helpful? I have bad reflux so I’m hoping this helps and I won’t need a PPI or other daily prescriptions to be dependent on for life.

Rick Davis

Enzycore helped me get off ppi medication for acid reflux!

Kim Lightner
Reply to  Rick Davis

I’m hoping for the same!