Memory loss is what many dread the more we age, especially when technology has made it so that we regularly do small tasks that would terribly inconvenience us if we overlook them.
That is why the people at Brand Direct Health or BDH created CerefolinNAC, a nootropic that contains a rare ingredient called L-Methylfolate.
Unlike the other supplements we’ve reviewed, CerefolinNAC is actually a prescription, which tells us it’s actually effective, but why is it effective?
What makes CerefolinNAC an effective supplement? Read our CerefolinNAC review to find out.
1) Cerefolin NAC at a Glance
- Prescription only
- Contains L-Methylfolate, a special B vitamin for depression
- Real price is undisclosed
- Contains Milk & Soy
2) The Company Behind Cerefolin NAC
Brand Direct Health is a specialty pharmacy launched in 2010 that sells prescription supplements. They’ve sold over 1.6 million prescriptions to over 366 thousand customers.
Their brands include:
- Deplin
- NeevoDHA
- CerefolinNAC
Company Information:
- Phone: 866‑331‑6440
- Email:
3) What Are Cerefolin NAC Ingredients?
Cerefolin NAC contains the following ingredients:
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine: An amino acid that doubles as a powerful antioxidant. It’s a precursors to glutathione, the body’s most important antioxidant for immunity.
Algae-S-Powder (Schizochytrium Algal Oil [Vegetable
source]): A premium source of omega-3 and omega-9 fatty acids. Omega-3 and Omega-9 are necessary nutrients for optimal brain function and long-term health.
L-methylfolate Calcium (Metafolin®): This special and concentrated form of folic acid is used to treat depression and deficiencies. It’s a co-factor in the production of hormones that affect our mood.
Methylcobalamin: A premium form of vitamin B12 for maximum absorption.
4) Does Cerefolin NAC Work?
CerefolinNAC is a prescription drug, so we already know it went through various quality control tests and other medical testing and research.
What piqued our interest is understanding WHY it works and HOW. From what we’ve seen, we realize CerefolinNAC is formulated to specifically to balance our hormones.
The formula revolves around boosting antioxidant presence while simultaneously supporting brain function. These two elements directly affect the brain’s ability to balance hormones responsible for our mood or emotional outlook.
Because it affects our hormones and brain function, the formula also directly affects our memory retention.
5) Cerefolin NAC: Pros and Cons
- High potency supplement
- The formula is involved in clinical trials conducted mainly to determine its benefits in alleviating the symptoms of cognitive decline
- Reviews support the formula’s effectiveness in reducing overall fatigue, stress and maintaining healthy blood pressure.
6) Potential Cerefolin NAC Adverse Effects
On the label, they mention some users reported the following symptoms:
Mild transient diarrhea, itching, transitory exanthema and the feeling of swelling of the entire body has been associated with
methylcobalamin.Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, transient skin rash, flushing, epigastric pain, and constipation have been associated with N-acetyl-Lcysteine
7) Cerefolin NAC Warnings and Precautions
- The formula is known to cause side effects (allergic reactions)
- Official information about the product is unavailable to the public (except licensed physician,upon the completion of a request form)
- The product is a prescription only medication (self-administered unsupervised use is considered illegal).
8) Where to Buy Cerefolin NAC?
This is a prescription type of supplement, so you can only get it with a doctor’s permission.
9) How Much Does Cerefolin NAC Cost?
While some websites list CerefolinNAC at around $96, this is the old price.
The actual cost varies since CerefolinNAC is a prescription medicine, and the cost is undisclosed on their website or anywhere else.
10) Directions For Taking Cerefolin NAC
The usual adult dose is one caplet daily or as directed under medical supervision.
11) Our Verdict on Cerefolin NAC
CerefolinNAC is a product offered by Brand Direct Health, a manufacturer of researched formulations, mostly prescription drugs.
The formula has been meticulously studied and underwent strtict testing methods, which guarantees the product’s potency.
Due to laws surrounding prescription medicine, it’s difficult to actually know the doses for each ingredient and how much one bottle costs.
Then, there’s also the possibility of a combination of side effects, which the manufacturers themselves disclosed.
However, rest assured that if nothing else, CerefolinNAC works.
My Husband started this medication 3 weeks ago, he had forgotten he was started on it and he mentioned to a friend “my wife must be putting something in my food because I seemed to be more clear and sharp with my memory” I then reminded him he was taking the Cerefolin NAC, He stated to his friend that is why I feel so much better. I also take Cerefolin NAC for the memory issue and an off label problem which it works amazing for. Love this product
My mom went on this and it was like she was 20 years younger memory wise. We have her back. I was told by her doctor that it must be the prescription because of something about fat solubility and not reaching the blood brain barrier. We got a coupon for it and it’s now 38.00 through that “good Rx” program. Ask your pharmacist. It works for most prescriptions I hear. Anyway we have my mom back and we are all so happy.
Cerefolin NAC improved my brain function on 2 different levels. First my memory has improved noticeably, and secondly I feel more alert and focused on daily chores, weather I am at work or at home. My overall health seems to have improved also. I have had some problems with my heart in the past. My tests results are also good, so the doctor decided to continue the treatment. I definitely recommend this product to all those wanting an effective and safe help in improving their memory.
My doctor prescribed this drug for my heart problems. It seemed like the high levels of homocysteine were the main cause for my condition, putting my life in danger. After a couple of month’s my blood tests results came out great. And I also noticed I am able to think more clearly and have a better recall memory. So the benefits were multiple.
Has anyone used this supplement for depression? My young daughter has been prescribed this med, and I would like to find out if this is effective on younger patients for mental focus and general well being.
Hello, I am 59, and my doctor prescribed to me for depression and complaints my spouse had about my memory. My mom had Alzheimer’s as did her Mom and Brother so I’m extremely concerned. I have been on it over a year, and I’m convinced I’m much sharper with this supplement.
I am 70yo, at age 67 had TBI with brain bleed. My neurophyscologist rec. CEREFOLIN. This review mentioned that there are better ways to improve memory, as still suffer effects of this injury tho taking Cerefolin. But did not state what they might be.
Posted a comment in Oct. Am a 70 yr woman with a TBI. I didn’t renew my Cerefolin Rx, just to see if I noticed a difference. There is a huge difference, my short term memory is terrible, way worse than when on Cerefolin, also I am not sleeping as well, feel generally foggy, indecisive, definitely have lost the feeling of wellbeing I did have. Have had my Rx renewed, just waiting for it to arrive. Will be interesting to evaluate the change once I am back on it.
I had been taking Cerefolin NAC for a year and found some improvement of memory and thought process when my insurance company refused to refill. I was told the cost to me would be 300.00. I was given the prescription from my psychiatrist, Dr. Matthew Pitera after I had complained of memory loss – difficulty finding my words. I have been treated for depression over the years and this was so trying for me. The Cerefolin helped but I cannot afford to pay out of pocket. Please consider helping me with this.
Jill Sweet
Ask your pharmacist there are new pricing programs with coupons I think one is called good Rx that can lower the price to only $38.00! Wow that’s a big difference. Try asking your pharmacist how these new competitive coupon pricing programs work, I have heard they can be used on all prescriptions! Good luck to you!
I took his for a while since I had free samples. I stopped them and replicated the 3 main ingredients with OTC vitamin products. I saw my neurologist today, 2 years later and he insists the difference is that the product crosses the blood brain barrier. When I asked how it did that vs the supplements I’d been taking he claimed because they are fat soluble and mine aren’t. That doesn’t make sense to me because a supplement is fat soluble or water soluble. I know you can get water soluble vitamin A for example but how do you get a water soluble vitamin to be fat soluble? And is that really what they’ve done?
I’ve had 7 concussions and want to know before I start taking it. Sounds fishy :)
I do not think that the lipid or water solubility is the problem. Literature indicates that around 50% of people lack the enzyme that converst folic acid to L-methylfolate. L-methyl folate is the active metabolite that is able to cross the blood-brain barrier. It is then transformed into seratonin and other neurotransmitters that make you feel better. There is L-methylfolate and R-methylfolate (Mirror images of each other (left and right). Only the left form has the right spatial configuration to pass thru the blood brain barrier. Think of a puzzle…. only one piece will fit in that hole. In this case it is the l-methylfolate configuration. The blood brain barrier protects you brain from many toxic chemicals by not letting them be transported into the brain. All you can do is take it for a while and see if you feel better.
Diane, The doctor is right. Google fat soluble and water soluble. I take anxiety and depression meds that pass the blood brain barrier. Means it goes straight to my brain.
Perhaps the fat soluble/water soluble information has bearing but I know from experience and from my doctor’s explanation that what Nancy posted is correct. Someone who is not lacking the enzyme could get the same benefit from otc supplements, I would think.
My father-in-law was assessed by a neurologist for dementia or Alzheimer’s. I had read that dementia could be caused by a vitamin deficiency. The neurologist ran blood tests, did testing regarding short term memory and long term memory. After evaluation, the neurologist prescribed Cerefolin NAC and took my father-in-law off of two other medications.
Within a week, we started to notice improvement. It’s now been 4 months and my father-in-law is back to how he was years ago!
Note – things like surgery, other prescription medication and stress can have an effect on your glutathione levels. These can also be affected by an underlying genetic polymorphism. If you want to know more, start looking at things like methylation pathway and micronutrient level testing.
I have been taking Cerefolin for almost 6 months now. I am 50 yrs young, had a hysterectomy in my 30s and have been both hyper and hypothyroid.
I work full time and have lots of stress in my work and personal life. Thank goodness for my Doctor, she is the reason I take Cerefolin and other important vitamins. I tested positive for the MTHFR gene mutation too.
I also take methyl B12, a coenzymated B and multi vitamin. I have to say I also quit sugar 3 months ago!! No to very little white flour products ever. My health, energy levels and mood have all benefited beyond my expectations. This should be 5 stars.
Mary, I give you lots of credit. I totally understand how chaotic your life is. I’m in a similar situation. I turn 50 in a couple of months and I have MS, asthma, Sjrogrens and allergies. I have 4 grown children and 2 grandchildren. I lost my NY job a year ago, and along with it went my salary. I’m building my business (Medicaid and Estate Planning) with a partner and working 3/4 time as a paralegal. I had been taking Cerefolin for a long time, but I had to give it up when I lost my job. I’m not starting it again – God willing
I tried to rate this a five. It helped me with a foggy feeling, word retrieval and anxiety. I took it for several months and if made a huge difference. I recently stopped taking it and my problems have returned. I started taking again, I hope it works quickly. Oh, the folic acid is not like what you can buy in a store. This product is specifically formulated to cross the blood brain barrier. Good luck!
I read in one of the comments that Cerefolin contains soy, Is this true? I have had breast cancer and should not take any soy products. Thx
Just started on this medicine but am now concerned that it may help to produce Kidney Stones. Is this a possibility? I have heard that it does happen. If so, I do not want to continue taking it.
In the clinical studies published, none of the patients experienced kidney stones. Side effects are similar to placebo (or a sugar pill).
I’m waiting to receive my prescription. My Dr tested my B levels and found that I was very deficient. I am 49, a professional with a stressful job. I also had a hysterectomy in my 30s. I really sincerely hope this will help me. My memory hasn’t been up to par and it’s driving me nuts.
my wife is 91 and started taking Cerefolin NAC about 2 weeks ago for memory. Seems to work and is no longer irate. Memory has improved. I am 90 and have some memory loss. I better check it out
Fantastic drug, without it I would now be in an institution. Life is good, I’ve been on this drug for 12 years, stopped once, what a mistake. However, the price could come down a lot.
I have a question. I just started taking Cerefolin NAC today. It was prescribed for me because I lost my sense of smell and taste 5 months ago after having an upper respiratory infection. Has anyone else used it for this readon, and if so was it helpful?
I started taking this drug 7 days ago after 7 months of burning mouth syndrome with loss of taste. Yesterday I realized I could taste again. Today I am almost back to normal. For the first time in months, I can taste sweets! However, I am hungry all the time. That may not be a good thing. Burning mouth still there, but not as severe…. “small steps”
Good luck. Hope it works for you.
After an exam from my Dr. For some slight memory loss she gave me a 4 week supply of this medication and had me check in for a follow up. After 2 weeks I noticed an improvement in my remembering things and really started to feel better. I have found that not many smaller pharmacies carry it or the generic. Its been 4 weeks waiting for shipments to come in. Thank goodness the dr had samples.
I do have an inquiry about cerefolin nac, and sarcoidosis. My son has sarcoidosis and has noticed his memory is starting to fail. Is this a medication that would be beneficial for him to try out?
I started having issues with my memory, feeling like I was walking in a fog, and stuttering. I am a professional and my job is very stressful. I didn’t know how this came about except that I was starting menopause. On top of everything else, due to my hectic schedule, I don’t eat right. I went to my doctor and thought I had a stroke, early Alzheimer’s or just losing my mind. He took various tests to rule out any physical issues and prescribed Cerefolin NAC in 2013. I started feeling better after two days of taking the pills. I felt much better, the fog was gone, and the stuttering was gone. My family noticed the difference.
I wondered if it was really the Cerefolin NAC, that made the difference, so I stopped taking it for a few days. Sure enough, I slowly started stuttering again, it was difficult to concentrate, and the fog was slowly coming back. My mother asked me if I was taking my medicine, because I am stuttering more and it’s taking me more time to remember things. I started taking Cerefolin NAC again and the above issues went away again.
I will say that you may have to either have someone monitor you to see if things change or make a mental note of your issues before taking the medicine. The reason I say this is because you may or may not realize you’re better, because the results don’t hit you like a cannon, it’s mild and you just feel normal (in a good way). For instance, after I started taking the medicine again and during a conversation with my mom, she said, you’re taking the medicine again. I asked her how she knew, she said, you aren’t stuttering, it’s not taking a long time for you to ‘find the right word’ in a normal conversation and it’s just a smooth conversation.
The downside is the price and my insurance will not cover it. At tax time, I add this in my itemization. I see from another post here that we can buy the main ingredients separately without the fillers. I just ordered my next supply of Cerefolin NAC. from Brand Direct Pharmacy online (they seemed to be the cheapest). I may try buying the three ingredients next time.
thanks for sharing your story. I’m a male and I started to feel like the way you were feel like 3 to 4 weeks ago. I just started today on 10/1/15. I hope this helps because I also work because I’m a professional w a very detail job. When did you take the pill in the morning or afternoon. Thanks jose d
Hi I read alot of these replies and it seems alot of you who are on it are older…my specialist put me on it last week n I m only 41…this worries me…I am on it for memory loss , brain fog, stuttering short term loss n concentration problems…all from a horrible incurable disease…does anyone have side effects with this medicine??
I was diagnosed at age 35 with clinical depression and anxiety disorder. My psychiatrist prescribed Cerefolin NAC along with sertraline (Zoloft) and clonazepam. After taking the sertraline for awhile I described to her a zombie-like feeling: walking in a cloud, being in conversations but not feeling as if I was part of the conversation, slowness in recalling words, not remembering past events, people, etc., all of the symptoms described here. She prescribed Cerefolin NAC, which made a noticeable difference, and she kept me on it after changing my anti-depressant, which is now Viibryd. I am now 58 and my psychiatrist has retired. My primary care physician has agreed to oversee my meds until I find another psychiatrist. Recently my insurance company stopped covering Cerefolin NAC. (By the way, in the past pharmacists have told me I could just buy folic acid OTC instead. My psychiatrist gave me an article to give to my pharmacist to educate him on the differences). Without the ins coverage I quit taking Cerefolin. I have been feeling more anxious and depressed recently and all of the other symptoms I mentioned have worsened. I asked myself what has changed and thought of the Cerefolin, looked it up online, read several articles, but it wasn’t until I happened onto this site and read these posts that it hit me like a ton of bricks!!! The posts here have confirmed what I had been taking for granted in the Cerefolin. I am posting here to Lisa specifically b/c of your concern about the oler ages of those taking Cerefolin. Though I’m 58 now, I consider myself young, too, when I first started talking it. I realize today that I must start taking it again, even if I have to pay for it out-of-pocket. Few people, including my PCP know what it is, how it works, or what it does. Thanks to all of the posters here, I think for the first time in the years I’ve been taking it I truly understand its effects. I think you have provided the missing piece of the puzzle that will get me back to the quality of life I had previously been enjoying. Thanks, and keep posting!
Studies show no adverse side effects, and are similar to placebo (or a sugar pill). Safe and well tolerated.
That is correct. Unlike most prescription medication, Cerefolin NAC is pretty light on side effects. But that doesn’t mean side effects can’t occur. Some of the more common side effects could include allergic reactions, mild transient diarrhea, itching, transitory exanthema, feeling body swelling, nausea, vomiting, rash, flushing, epigastric pain, constipation, and headache. In very rare cases, taking Cerefolin NAC could lead to the formation of renal stones.
Before any of you invest in Cerefolin it would pay you to check the ingredients without the fillers. There are only three: 5.6mg Methylfolace, 2mg Vit.B12, and 600mg N-Acetyl Cysteine. My granddaugther who is a licenced chemist checked this for me and I was able to purchase these ingredients separtely at a vitamin shop for about a quarter what Cerefolin costs. Check it out.
Thank you Rolland . I will try buying the three ingredients next time.
Cerefolin NAC contains the most bio-available forms of these 3 ingredients. Not the synthetic forms found over the counter or at vitamin stores. This is prescription grade, FDA regulated, clinically proven and contains Metafolin (which is the companies branded version of L-Methylfolate) that has been clinically proven in over 25 clinical trials. This cannot be replicated. Over the counter products will not provide the same outcome as they have to go through the body’s methylazation cycle.
My husband had a hemorrhagic stroke 2 years ago. His phd psychologist put him on Cerefolin NAC. I can’t tell if it helps because I’ve never seen him off of it. The literature says it’s for neurovascular oxidative stress. I hate to keep using something that is expensive if it’s not been FDA tested and is just touted as “brain food.” I realize it may help those with memory loss, but I’d like to know from other stroke patients if it has helped them and from doctors who might have information about it. It has folate, B12, B2, B6 and an anti-oxident called N-acetylcysteine. I suppose folate is the same is folic acid that pregnant women use? I’m not sure. If anyone besides the Cerefolin company can give some advice on this, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Your husband was given an excellent medication. I had a stroke years ago and had to go several years with not only memory problems, but also paranoia. Those problems finally subsided. More recently I had abdominal surgery where I was placed on a 60 degree downslope operation table. For a month afterwards my memory was so bad it scared me. My family physician put me on Cerefolin NAC and within three days I felt that I was back to normal. I am so grateful!!! I am still taking the medication and will continue to do so until I feel confidant enough to do without it.
Good luck to your husband. Give him your love. Let him continue to take his meds. He will discontinue when he is ready.
Alzheimer disease is an unfortunate fact in our family, my mother, her mother and two of her brothers, so far, suffer/suffered from this disease. As the eldest in the next generation I have noticed frightening cognitive difficulties. Also a side effect of other medications resulted in Vertigo and further memory loss. My family practice doctor just prescribed CerefolinNac a week ago and I will report to him how I am responding to it in another week. I am sure that in time I will see major good effects since it does seem to be helping already. I have confidence in this prescription because my doctor plays drums at his church so he takes it for his inner ear.
I was prescribed this medication for RLS and have been surprised by the results. At 63, my memory certainly isn’t what it was, still I have noticed a clarity of thought and slight feeling of euphoria after I take the pill. I very much wanted to get off the Requip and now think I will be able to do that. I may even start weaning myself off my anti=anxiety as well.
Were you able to determine an answer?
My daughter was failing her classes in college after being an honor student for 10 years due to memory. She could not retain information, and even forgot she had an online cleass one semester. We got her a medical withdrawl and this is one of the medication her Dr. put her on. The other is Phosphatidyl Serine. It has helped her alot, and she notices a huge difference if she misses a day, Her depression has lifted, and she is sleeping much better and is finding it easier to get out of bed in the mornings. I would recommend trying this knowing the pain and frustration she went through.
This helped me to get my brain back. I take a medicine for epilepsy that lowers the amount of folate in the brain, causing side effects such as word finding difficulty – literally you cannot think of simple words like chair for example, a feeling of fogginess and short term memory issues. Three weeks after taking this my mind just suddenly clicked!! A few months later my doctor upped my dose. So if this doesn’t work for you after a month, ask to have your dose increased. I’m so thankful for this medication, one with zero side effects to boot!
Right after entering menopause, I noticed that I was having trouble with word association much like you, Emily. I would see a chair, could describe it as a piece of furniture that you sit on, but could not think of the word “chair”. This was an on and off again problem. Some days were worse than others. My doctor prescribed Cerefolin and I have notice a really big difference! It took about a month to see the biggest gains, but as long as I take it, my word association problems have virtually disappeared. This was truly a life saver for me!
Hi Emily
I noticed your post in reference to your use of Cerefolin in 2011, by chance are you still taking the medication? If so, what would say are the benefits, or changes you have experienced.
I look forward to your response.
Thank you