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CALMadvantage Review – Is it Effective?

By Sasha de Beausset Aparicio, MSc

Reviewed by Rebecca Williams, MD, MA, MB, BChir

Last Updated:

Evidence Based | Ingredients | Cost | Bottom Line

CALMadvantage is advertised as a dietary supplement that was specially created to elevate moods while offering non-drowsy properties to boost energies. This supplement is manufactured by Advanced Nutritional Innovations, Inc. Unfortunately, the company publishes very little information about itself.
The official website claims that this product will help consumers both relieve stress and improve concentration. According to the producing company, this is a fast acting formulation that is best suited for daytime use.
CALMadvantage cannot be purchased directly from the manufacturer’s website. Instead, the company offers a store locator on their website. This allows customers to enter a zip code and they will get information on local retailers.


1) Details on CALMadvantage Ingredients and Uses

CALMadvantage includes the following ingredients: L-Theanine, 5-HTP, and MSM.

Check out our BioNeurix Seredyn review for an alternative take on calming formulas.

2) What Does CALMadvantage Do?

CALMadvantage is a blend of ingredients that is claimed to assist with reducing the problems people face due to stress and anxiety and elevate mood. The formula contains three important ingredients. L-Theanine can be found in tea plants (Green Tea for instance) and does contain caffeine. According to researches, L-Theanine has calming effects. However, many nutritionists recommend consumers to avoid caffeine-based products since they have been known to cause unwanted side effects such as jitteriness and nausea.

5-HTP is an amino acid that is believed to increase serotonin levels in the brain. Beside its mood-boosting properties, 5-HTP is also thought to suppress the appetite. Because of this property, this amino acid is a common ingredient in weight loss supplements.

MSM is better known for its alleged “magic bullet” effect on certain types of arthritis. Its use as mood elevator is still under research. While many scientists claim MSN has mood lifting properties, these claims are unfounded at this point.

There has been some research that indicates the ingredients found in CALMadvantage may be able to assist in treating the symptoms of ADD and ADHD. However, those tests are still in the early stages, and there are plenty of variables that still have to be considered.


3) How Much Does CALMadvantage Cost?

CALMadvantage is available in bottles of 60 and 120 capsules. The maximum recommended dose is six capsules a day.

The cost for this product varies based on where you buy it from, but typically it is an inexpensive supplement. Some online and offline retailers may offer additional discounts on purchase.

Bottom Line

4) The Bottom Line – “Does it Work?”

The manufacturer is using a clever advertising campaign (“catch the wave”) to promote this supplement. Many consumers may find this supplement appealing because of the strong advertising campaign, but the formulation that this supplement provides may fall short of boosting actual moods as claimed.

CALMadvantage contains L-Theanine (which contains caffeine). It is confusing to see a stimulant in a supplement advertised to have “calming” effects.

On the other hand, this product is incredibly cheap, and it should be available for purchase from both online and offline retailers. However, consumers who want to avoid stimulants in their mood elevators may want to look elsewhere.

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As far as I understand “theine” is what contains caffine. Not “L-theanine”. They are two different things. I am caffeine sensitive and have never had any caffeine related issues with Calm Advantage.