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Metanx Review – 8 Things You Should Consider

By Sasha de Beausset Aparicio, MSc

Reviewed by Rebecca Williams, MD, MA, MB, BChir

Last Updated:

Evidence Based | Overview | Nutrition Info | Benefits | Contraindications | Cost | Directions | Conclusion

Metanx is a form of prescription medication for people suffering from diabetic neuropathy. It is developed by Pamlab, a company that deals with natural, personalized medicine. The manufacturer is US-based and has a large selection of products designed to alleviate symptoms or conditions, and have received several accreditations and awards for their supplements.

Diabetic neuropathy is a condition that affects the peripheral nerves, which can have consequences on all the organs. It produces a large amount of discomfort to people that suffer from this condition, causing them to experience numbness, tingling of the extremities, speech impairment, issues with coordination, drooping of eyes and mouth, and muscle weakness. Metanx claims to ease some of these symptoms through the activated B-vitamin complex that it contains.

Generic Metanx may be available within pharmacies. However, it seems that it is challenging to come across. It would help if you asked a specialized opinion before making a purchase, given that specific side effects of Metanx or the generic version may arise.


1) Quick Overview

The product is composed of a formulation of activated B-vitamins, designed to alleviate the symptoms and consequences of diabetic neuropathy. The ingredients, L-methyl folate Calcium, Pyridoxal 5²-phosphate, and Methylcobalamin, are activated forms of Folic Acid (vitamin B9), B6, and B12. The use of activated natural minerals is considered very beneficial for the human body, seeing as the organism more easily absorbs it to be put to use.

All three active ingredients have been successfully used in the treatment of diabetic neuropathy, as well as other conditions: L-methyl folate Calcium is useful in prenatal care, treating depression and dementia; Pyridoxal 5′-phosphate is used to facilitate neurotransmission and increase cognition, and Methylcobalamin is the first-line treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

The individual ingredients being used in the treatment of the condition does not provide enough credibility to the medication on its own. That’s why the producers of this formula offer information regarding clinical trials and even medical samples. While this service is only offered to medical professionals, it dramatically increases the credibility of the medication.

According to the manufacturer, the supplement is a very safe product, causes virtually no side effects, and is easy to administer: a daily dose of two tablets should be sufficient to help people with their condition.

Side effects include mild breath odor and stomach problems. In contrast, more rare but more severe side effects of Metanx may include rash, hives, tingling, difficulty breathing, and swelling of the tongue. Numerous Metanx alternatives exist, containing all critical active ingredients and claiming similar health benefits.

Nutrition Info

2) Ingredients of Metanx

Metanx contains the following ingredients: L-methyl folate Calcium (as Metafolin), Pyridoxal 5²-phosphate, and Methylcobalamin.

3) What Does Metanx Do?

Our researchers had an easy job finding information regarding Metanx composition, benefits, recommended dosage, and what people think about the product. All the information we have seen appears to be accurate and sustained by relevant clinical trials and research studies.

As stated above, Metanx contains three key ingredients: L-methyl folate Calcium (the active form of Folic Acid), Pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (the active form of Vitamin B6), and Methylcobalamin (the active form of Vitamin B12).

The company claims Metanx can fulfill the nutritional requirements needed by diabetes patients by restoring the metabolic processes associated with diabetic neuropathy and supporting peripheral nerve and blood vessel health. It appears that the medication has also been involved in clinical studies where it showed promising results in restoring sensitivity in patients with type-2 diabetes.

Individual patients have been using the formula for improving sleeping patterns. However, as the official website and drug documentation states, this is not a brain-specific supplement. As such, we would suggest trying other treatments specifically designed to address brain-related issues before using Metanx.

According to numerous testimonials available online, Metanx is a slow-acting product. Some claim that the formula’s therapeutic effects were noticeable only after a few months of regular use. Other people report side effects like nausea upon starting to use, a symptom that seems to have disappeared after a few weeks of use. Different unwanted adverse reactions of the supplement may include diarrhea, rashes, and stomach upset. Consumers should keep in mind that this is a prescription medication, so it is essential always to seek professional medical advice first.

As stated earlier, this is not an ideal brain nutrition product. However, there have been some reports of individuals using it as one. The primary purpose for which Metanx has been created is to remove itching and burn in the feet and other symptoms experienced by patients with neuropathy.

The recommended dosage is one tablet, taken twice daily or in a single dose. Metanx precautions refer to people who suffer from anemia, seizure disorders, allergies, pregnant and nursing women, and several other categories of individuals (listed on the formula’s presentation page).


4) Metanx Benefits & Results

  • The supplement can be taken by vegetarians and vegans as well;
  • Product claims are realistic and well-documented;
  • Metanx reviews from consumers are generally positive and report high levels of efficacy;
  • The manufacturer provides much relevant information for this medication;
  • No artificial stimulants;
  • Both Metanx tablets and capsules are available for purchase;
  • Metanx alternatives are available to consumers, in the form of exact formulas or similar ones.

5) Metanx Warnings and Precautions

  • Product is only available via prescription;
  • It is an expensive product: a supply for three months can cost up to $150;
  • Product is not available for online purchase.

6) How Much Does Metanx Cost?

The formula’s price is relatively high, but the product is cheaper than formulas advertising similar benefits. You should take into account that the price may vary for Metanx tablets and capsules as well (Metanx capsules is, usually, more expensive).

Metanx is available by prescription only. We do not encourage our readers to purchase this product before consulting with their medical doctor first.


7) Directions For Taking Metanx

A doctor should recommend the daily dose for Metanx tablets or capsules. In contrast, the daily dosage should not be exceeded.


8) Conclusion

Diabetic neuropathy can significantly decrease life quality for people who suffer from this condition. Pamlab tries making life easier for these people, with a well-researched, medically-attested product. Metanx reviews from people that have already tried it place it as highly effective in relieving diabetic neuropathy symptoms. Some people have also used it as a cognitive booster, increasing their memory and reducing their mental fatigue.

Unfortunately, most consumers consider the product very expensive, which often pushes customers to buy generic Metanx, non-prescription supplements, or other different formulations that promise similar benefits. Both of these alternatives could prove less useful than Metanx. However, there are some alternatives to this product that are reported to perform just as well.

If you have been prescribed Metanx, it is highly recommended you respect the indications provided by your doctor. Do not go above or below the prescribed dose. Keep in mind that combining specialized medication with a healthy lifestyle can significantly increase your life quality.

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Eve Linton

I took Metanx for two years and neuropathy went away completely. Mine was from chemo as I am not a diabetic. Recently did a stress weight bearing class that brought back the pain. I am back on the Metanx and will stay on it indefinitely. It definitely works but progress takes months. Stick with it. I get 90 from government insurance CVS Caremark for $125.

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Recently did a stress weight bearing class that brought back the pain. I am back on the Metanx and will stay on it indefinitely. It definitely works but progress takes months. Stick with it. I get 90 from government insurance CVS Caremark for $125
Have you tried this product?

Has anyone else run into the issue of Metanx increasing the pain, especially in calves? Very frustrating as I had high hopes for Metanx. I have adverse reaction to Alpha Lipoic Acid as well.

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Increase in pain
Have you tried this product?
Elizabeth Perez

My PCP advised me to stop taking Metanx as my B12 and folic acid levels were very high. I have been taking it (1/2 dose) since 2014 because I have a strong history of non-diabetic peripheral neuropathy in my family. I have had no increase in the light ‘mud’ on the feet feelings since then. I attribute it to Metanx. Since stopping it 2 weeks ago, I have noticed burning and tingling in my feet especially at nights. Is there a modified way I can keep taking it?

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Help me keep the good results
Have you tried this product?

I’ve been on it for a couple of months now. My neurologist told me I should stop it b/c my blood B6 levels got extremely high and that can also cause neuropathy. Bummer! At least I was told by the pharmacy I can get a refund.

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B6 Level Got Extremely High on Metanx
Have you tried this product?
Anna M Herrera

Metanx has definitely helped me. I have been satisfied thus far with how I’m feeling, which is much better than before Metanx. Yes it’s expensive, but worth is for me.

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Works for me
Have you tried this product?
Sheryll Ryann

I tried Metanax for about a year and found no appreciable relief in my hands going numb and the pain and burning, even though the Dr felt it was nuropothy from being a type 2 diabetic. If I tried it 2 times a day, I seemed to break out on my face with pimples. It seemed OK with just 1 pill a day. I finally went to a Hand specialist and after nerve tests on my hands said it was carpel tunnel. He has since operated on both and they are now pain free and regaining good mobility.

Logan Hyram

I have been on Metanx now for two months and I have not noticed any improvement in my Neuropathy in my feet. It seems just as bad as ever. I wish there was something I could do for this condition.

Penny Young
Reply to  Logan Hyram

Logan, I apply Relaxing Legs PM cream every evening to my legs before going to bed. That company makes a cream for foot pain, which I also apply. Let it dry before putting on your pj’s. I use an applicator to avoid my hands touching the creams, as they’re hard to wash off completely, and if I hand wash my face after, my eyes sometimes burn from the pain-relieving chemicals. Penny🌺

Brian Newsome

I originally had neuropathy in my right hand due to a double cervical herniation (C 5-7) even after a double laminectomy. Seven years later, I fractured my left wrist and developed neuropathy in my index finger. After surgery, my neurologist put me on Metanx. It cured all the neuropathy in both hands within two months. Note that I have always taken nutritional supplements and I am not diabetic. I had tried neurontin and lyrica, neither of which worked. I consider Metanx a miracle medicine/supplement.


Does Metanx cause weight gain?

Iulian (Editor)
Reply to  Tresss


According to our research, Metanx does not cause weight gain. Here is the complete list of potential side effects associated with the use of Metanx: acne, skin reactions, allergic reactions, sensitivity to sunlight, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, increased liver function test results, numbness and tingling, drowsiness, headaches, diarrhea, itching, temporary skin rash, and the feeling of swelling of the entire body.


Good from drugstore. Poor quality from Brand Direct. I have tried Brand Direct two times, same result, not nearly as good as drug store. Must be cheaper because they are too old. I can’t afford the drug store anymore. I hate it because it works for me so well.

Reply to  Elizabeth

Hi Elizabeth, were you getting Metanx from a drugstore? Or was it another brand? And this was helping your neuropathy?


I have diabetic neuropathy. I’ve been seeing a neurologist for it for several years. The last medication I’ve been taking for it through him is Lyrica. I started out taking 1 per day but have worked up to 4 per day! I also take Tegredol for nerve pain twice a day. Needless to say I want to sleep all the time! While with my mother at our podiatrist office I noticed a poster on his wall talking about neuropathy. I asked him if he treated it with anything besides drugs. He said yes and so I made an appointment with him for the next week. He prescribed Metanx and told me it may take up to 3 months to see good results from it but to be patient. I get mine for 3 months for $58 per month. I’ve been on it for almost 2 months and have backed off my Lyrica to 3 per day. I’m definitely seeing results! The numbness is subsiding and I’m not feeling the pain like I used to!


I have chemo induced peripheral neurapathy mainly in my feet, and a little in my fingers. My feet are quite bad, to the point my Dr told me to get a handicapped tag and I bought a cane for added support. My Oncologist prescribed Metanx, which I get at Walmart for 59.00 for a 1 month supply. My insurance is not covering it. I have been on it 3 months now and can’t say I have noticed too much difference but in my case, it’s hard to tell because chemo continues to do damage for several months after you are done taking it.My Dr. today said it might take a year but I should begin to feel a difference in a few months. My feet are so bad it is worth every penny of this if it works. I think I also found a coupon on the product’s website for the same basic price point I am paying so if you are paying more, try going to their website to see if you can still get those coupons. I believe in this product and know it has helped many with diabetes, so I’m hoping it will help my chemo induced neurapathy as well!

Lisa K Shay
Reply to  grace

Go to Good RX and it might have coupons or give you discounts at specific pharmacys so you might find it cheaper. Good luck! Thoughts and prayers for your full recovery.

Pastor Karryl Patruck

Too expensive for us normal people. At $100 a month there’s no way. Doctor gave me 2 months of samples and it did nothing. I don’t know if it takes longer or what…and your site doesn’t allow me to rate it 1 *. But I sure didn’t give it more.


You didn’t take it long enough! I have been taking them for about 3 years and they are a wonder!

Great product!??


I have been on Metanx several years now for diabetic nerve pain. My insurance covered it for 90 days $70. Now all of a sudden they consider it a “medicine food” and will not cover it. It worked great and gave me very good relief from the pain. I also had a brain blood clot and stroke so it was supposed to help my short term memory, but I didn’t notice an improvement with that. Now for a 30 day supply it is $108, so it went from 180 pills for $79 to 180 pills for $324. I can’t afford that. I am on a lot of medications and this is not possible. Does anyone know of somewhere that it can be purchased at a cheaper cost? If a doctor prescribes a medication it should be covered. Insurance companies don’t want to cover anything and they want to be the doctors. Really sad in this wonderful USA…..

Reply to  Cindy

You can get generic. We also had trouble getting this filled for my elderly father in law, as Medicare wouldn’t cover. However, the generic version (called Foltanx) can be purchased for about $70 if u have a prescription. We got his from a local Brookshires Pharmacy and it was 60 tablets (one twice a day). So for 180 pills your cost would obviously probably be more than $70 but still less than $300+. Hope this helps but it is a shame that it isn’t covered by insurance and Medicare.

Angi Kennedy
Reply to  Cindy

My daughter gets a 3 months supply of the name brand for $90.00 Her doctor set her up with a company called RX direct plus/Brand Direct Health. Try them or have your doctor look into it.

Rob amos
Reply to  Angi Kennedy

How did you get it that cheap from brand direct I get mine from them and its twice that price.

Reply to  Cindy

Cindy, your doctor may not know about it, but there is a specialty pharmacy that partners with Pamlab to offer metanx cheaper. It is called Brand Direct Health Pharmacy. Have your doctor fax or escribe your metanx prescription to Brand Direct Health. Their price, even without insurance is $58/mo which is much cheaper than any other pharmacy.


I have been using Metanx for almost a year. I am a type 2 diabetic and my neuropathy developed a short time after diagnosis of diabetes. I have been on Lyrica 75mg 3x daily along with the Metanx. Since I have been taking the Metanx, I have noticed that I could back off from my Lyrica. Love the product!! However, I was just informed that as of 4/22/16 BCBS-Primemail will no longer cover Metanx. Can you answer as to why? They gave no reason. Does any insurance cover this product? Thank you

Dasa Hasa

I have Type 2 Diabetes and developed neuropathy about 2 years ago. My endocrinologist prescribed Metanx about a year ago ago. I seemed to notice some improvement but no longer. I continue to take Metanx because I can’t tell whether the pain would be worse without it.


I started using with samples my Dr. gave me for neuopathy not due to diabetes. Seems to help so far. Found coupons online.


I was recently prescribed Metanx by my podiatrist for burning tingling sensation in my feet – peripheral neuropathy (non diabetic) but I do have Chron’s and an ileostomy, I take a B12 shot once a month and 1mg folic acid per day. Will it be ok for me to take Metanx? Should I stop the Folic acid pill and and B12 shot.


I have suffered with neuropathy in my right foot since I had surgery for a ruptured disc about 14 months ago. My right foot was about 50 % numb and I had horrible tingling and cramps when I would lay down to go to bed. I have been on metanx about four months now. I would say my symptoms are 90% gone. I will keep taking it! ( I do not have diabetes, and I could not tolerate the side effects of gabapentin and Cymbalta.). I am just now seeing results. Give it time.


Apparently my neurolgist has diagnosed my problem with neuropathy, and yet i do not have Diabetes. He has prescribed Mantax twice a day and also Gralise once at night time..IAlthough i dont have Diabetes, he is treating my symptoms as such for neuropothy. Does this make sense?

Reply to  Anthony

It does, according to my (well-respected) neurology team; neuropathy often occurs independently from diabetes. This is my situation, as well.


I have been taking Metanx for several weeks. I have Morton’s neuroma and am a diabetic. The burning on the ball of my foot has been very bad for quite a while, at least several years. I have been going to the podiatrist for a long time. How many cortisone shots I can’t recall. At least three this year. New orthotics are helping some. The burning especially at night has given me many sleepless nights. I found a pamphlet at the foot doctor’s office in the waiting room the last time I was there. He has wanted to do a series of shots that will kill the nerve. I might not have feeling in my toes. Good thing I asked about a prescription for Metanx. I’d rather try it than the permant shots. Also, I have a feeling like water running down my lower leg. I am convinced this is a permant side effect of prescriptions for several statin drugs. I will not try any other statins again. Not worth the side effects. I am not completely free of the burning on my foot, but it is at least 50% better after several weeks of Metanx and the running water feeling down my leg is much less frequent and intense. I am happy to say that with my health insurance, I get a 90 day supply of Metanx for $25.00. I don’t think the doctor would have recommended Metanx if I did not ask about it. Good thing I saw the pamphlet myself. I am very happy with the results and have stopped taking some other vitamins I was using in hopes of helping my problem. I am on my feet and moving around a good portion of the day while doing my job.


My doctor prescribed me metanx since I have Mthfr deficiency. I had 2 early miscarriages prior to that I had a very heard time getting pregnant with failed 3 failed iuis and 2 failed ivfs. Does metanx help you in conceiving?? Also does it help with blood clots because my doctor perceived me aspirin 325mg to take daily. But I have heard that by taking aspirin on regular basis one does not ovulate
So please help me understand is metanx enough to prevent blood clots??

Reply to  karen

Hi Karen,
My doctor prescribed it to me because of the same reasons as you. What has been your experience so far? Thanks!


I wish insurance paid for this. I have some some sort of very painful neuropathy/radiculopathy that was so bad I couldn’t stand for a week and had little sleep for 3 months. I work for a neurologist and go to pain management. I’ve been able to get metanx samples and got a coupon for Lyrica. Between the two, I’m much better. But my Lyrica Went from $25 to $160! And it’s harder to get the samples. I can’t afford either medicine now and don’t know what I’ll do! They help SO much!

Reply to  jude

Geat to know B’s are water soluble, thanks.

Reply to  jude

What does your employer (the neurologist) recommend?

Reply to  Twy

Recd for what Twy? Memory? We recd Cerefolin which is also distributed by Brand Direct. I haven’t really researched it but it seems similar to Metanx. But he also recds a “cocktail” of OTC supplements for memory/dementia. I can’t remember (ha!) all of the dosages tho: B12 2000 mcg, D3 2000 IU, turmeric (curcumin) – I take between 2 to 4 capsules a day, CoQ10, folic acid (up to 5 MG, if you can find it) and fish oil 3 to 4 caps a day. Oh and alpha lipoic acid 300 mg.

Reply to  jude

Lyrica and drugs like it only “mask the pain” but doesn’t get to ROOT or cause of problem. Metanx has folic acid and L-methylfolatein its purest form whereas other neuropathy drugs don’t. If you have a genetic polymorphism, your system will not fully absorb the L-methylfolate thus will not be as effective. It increases blood flow to extremities…Google the studies.

Janet G
Reply to  jude

Newly prescribed. Wanted to share that Pfizer offers patient assistance for its drugs including Lyrica. You may apply at needymeds.org or at their website directly. If you fall within their income requirements, they will send you 90 day supply to your doctor’s office for pickup at no charge.

Kathy K

Does metnex cause horrible dry coughing when taken with diabetic med, high blood pressure pills, cholesterol mods and depression pills.

erica b
Reply to  Kathy K

You might check out your high blood pressure pill. ACE inhibitors and ARB have a known side effect of cough.


Just tell your MD you’ve heard about Metanx and would like to try it. If he gives you static, ask for a referral to a neurologist or podiatrist (who Rx’d it for me). I’ve only been taking Metanx 5 days and have had noticeable improvement in comfort and sleep. I hope it continues. Until it doesn’t, I’m a Metanx convert!


I used it for almost four weeks and began to feel light-headed and out of sorts. It has been almost a week since I stopped it but the effect is lingering. If someone is taking other meds, I would advise against Metanx.

Robyn Uliano

Call company directly and ask for discount. Much cheaper that way.


Do your research on this product metanx. L-Methylfolate in metanx is the purist form. Other generics or OTC are not the same & will not metabolize in your body. (d-methylfolate) I’m taking METANX & money is tight but my health & wellbeing is more important. I can sacrifice a few things to get my metanx prescription. Just started 4 month & it’s a good feeling havin feeling back.


Funny thing I had no idea what the problem was but went to the doctor for a different issue, mentioning the burning, tingling and numbness in my feet. Neuropathy was the diagnosis, and he gave me samples of Metanx. Within a week, it made a big difference. He ordered a 90 day supply for me from an out of State Pharmacy that provides medical foods. They have payment plans to better afford it. I work for an insurance company, and most do not cover it. But I have found that if they did, my copay would be higher for a non formulary drug that the cost of what I pay for this which is $178.50 per 90 day supply.

Joe Atkins

My mother was prescribed Metanx a year ago and great improvements have been seen in her feet, since then. Basically the circulation in her feet were gone. It saved her toes and feet by greatly increasing circulation. It’s a tried and true product.


I was diagnosed with diabetic peripheral neuropathy last week and my PCP started me on Metanx; fortunately our insurance covered most of it and I only had to pay $40 for a month’s supply. I have noticed the burning feeling in my toes have gone away but now I have constant tingling in my legs. It started out in just my calves and has progressed up to my hip area and last time when I went to bed I had the same feeling in parts of my back, arms and face. How long does this side effect last?

Reply to  Niecy

That “side effect” could actually be your nerve endings coming back to life because they are getting better blood flow and nutrients to them. It’s kinda like when you sit on your foot and it falls asleep and you get pins and needles when stand up. It’s temporary pain, but it’s a good sign that blood is flowing through there again, when it wasn’t before .


I believe the Metanx I took has caused the pins and needles tingling in the upper and lower extremities on the left, probably now a polyneuropathy. If you read the fine print on the insert, it warns paresthesias are a side effect. One of the causes of polyneuropathy is too much Vitamin B6, present in a massive amount in Metanx. My problems started three weeks after I started the Metanx. I stopped it immediately, and my symptoms remain, three months later. I’m afraid it may have caused irreversible nerve damage.

Reply to  Lindsay

I agree that metanx may be harmful. See my comments of 9/9/15


My doctor wanted me to try Metanx for what she calls iodiopathioc neuropathy, which could be a side effect of celiac disease. I’m still going in circles to see if I can get it covered thru my insurance, but meanwhile I’ve done my research and have found the exact equivalent active componments can be found in health food stores and also online. I was also told that it would likely take at least 8 weeks to see strong improvement because this is an issue of repair of vessels that send blood supply to the nerves, and this isn’t an instant thing. While I wait to see what happens with the insurance, I bought the exact 3 vitamins that are in Metanx separately, which need to be the metabolically active forms of the vitamins and not the typical forms found in the stores. Do a bit of research and you can figure out what to buy, all available without prescription. Rather than 1 Metanx am, 1 in pm, with the separate vitaminsI have to take a total of 6 pills each time, but a months’ worth at twice a day costs me about $30, which is less than Metanx. I have been taking the vitamins for about 10 days now, not sure yet if there is an improvement, but I’m willing to test this out for 3 months, which is the recommended minimum trial. Hope it works.

Keshia Murray
Reply to  Carole

I found the Metanx cheaper at direct pharmacy online. Its a shame that our insurance companies wont cover it, and the doctor recommends it. Please let me know how things turn out. I waiting on my 90 day supply in the mail.

William Thatcher
Reply to  Carole

Carole, it is true you can purchase over the counter versions of the substances contained in Metanx but the quality of the supplements and its bioavailability can vary widely. I actually went the opposite direction you did, I stopped purchasing the OTC products and switched to the more predictable quality, FDA approved, and more bioavailable form found in Metanx.

Charles Weber
Reply to  Carole

I typically take your route and search for cheaper equivalents to proprietary formulations (though often breakdown amounts are not always indicated). I’d be interested in knowing where you obtained the L-methylfolate in such a large dosage as the Metanx, which is 2.8 mg, while most brands offer this compound in 400 microgram tabs/pills/capsules, meaning that one would have to take seven of these to reach the Metanx amount. Swanson has the right active form in product # swu758 at what appears a reasonable price. Is your comparable product cheaper?


Started today . Prescribed by Doc for Diabetes II foot pain . $173.00/ 90 day supply w/shipping . Time will tell


I am 68 years old and have had a tremor since I was 15 years old . It had become so sever that I had difficulty holding any thing . I also have been a diabetic for 18 years . For years I would ask doctors for something to help with the tremors and none would tell me anything . Just recently I changed neurologist and she recommended Metanx . It immediately stopped the tremors and other problems ! Like so many others say the price is my problem . The insurance will not help.


Unfortunately I have been diagnosed with diabetic peripheral neuropathy and I heard about Metanx that is very effective in such cases. But sadly I cannot afford to buy this expensive drug and I try to replace it with something else. I have found a few alternative with B6, B12 and folic acid and I can’t wait to begin the treatment.

marjorie connerly
Reply to  Miley

I read your statement on the internet about a alternative for metanx,I cannot afford metanx what did you find ? and can you share this with me.
thank you.


Just a few important thoughts. Folate is not effective unless it is L-methylfolate. It is the active ingredient in Deplin which is an epensive antidepressant, which explains some of the other benefits mentioned above. I also get bi-weekly V B12 injections. I just found out about Metanx and will ask the Doctor about V B6.

L-Methylfolate can be purchased from LifeExtension Co. for about $14.25 for 100 (1000)mg tablets.) cheaper if you go on an automatic shipment program. I take 2 a day for depression. Ask your doctor how much to take. The pharmacist at Costco looked up Methylfolate and said that it is very important to take the L-Methylfolate for as anything else will not have the same effect.

Rosalia Haggood

I went to Walgreen today for a different type of Prescription for my neuropathy and I purchased
a Walgreen card for 20.00 dollars, and I was able to buy my prescription for half the price.


Just started taking Metanx for numbness, tingling, burning in feet. Im very drowsy and sick to stomach. I dont understand the “drowsiness” if its a supplement. I will keep trying to read more about this medication. Anybody know why it causes drowsiness?

Reply to  Michelle

I have been taking Metanx for over a year and it doesn’t seem to make me drowsy. It does help with arm and feet pain. I can sure tell the difference if I have ran out for more than a few days. I have neuropathy and pots and vagal disorder.

sharon Perdue

my doctor prescribed Metanx for me because of the searing legpain have. Some nights I can’t even sleep it hurts so bad and I just lay in bed and cry. I have no medical insuranc, and cannot affo pay $92 for a 30 day supply ot. I purchased bottle and cannot afford any more. they really did help a lot. Is there any kind of assistance program for these that I could apply for?

Kathleen Childs
Reply to  sharon Perdue

This is in reply to Sharon Perdue’s review. Statin drugs for lowering cholesterol can cause searing leg pain. There many people like me that are statin intolerant. Please check this out.

Tosha harry

I take metanex for POTS syndrome autonomic dysfection that causes my blood pressure to drop for no reason this makes my feet numb, tingel, and painful. It has worked great for me and I take klonopin and Ambien to sleep and i have had no issues with any interactions,

margot saraceno

i was given my first 9o day dosage, to be taken 2 x a day.
from my a new doctor on jan 22nd. due to burning and numbness and cramps in my feet, i have fibromyalgia, not diabetics, and iam wondering if this is alright or if this is for diabetics only.
i still have not found any side effects anywhere andf wonder if ther are some.
also i am taking vit b2 over the counter for migrane.

Jean Heil

I have had bilateral idiopathic sensory peripheral neuropathy (non diabetic) since 1997. I have tried Neurontin and Lyrica with no relief and have fallen twice while on Neurontin. I do not tolerate drugs well. My doctor has given me samples of Metanx which I have taken for a month now. I feel I may be getting some refief from the medication and am willing to give it a longer trial period. My question is- Do you have non diabetic patients who have gotten relief with Metanx? I take Clonazepam at bedtime and do sleep fairly well. I worry about taking both drugs but was told by a pharmacist that it should be OK. I would appreciate any information you can provide for me. Thank you, Jean Heil

Renee Haugland
Reply to  Jean Heil

Hi Jean I take METANX and Clonazepam also but I take Clonazepam for panic attacks and anxiety. I take 2mg three times a day. I take Metanx twice a day for neuropathy for my legs also (non diabetic). I have really bad back and neck pain. I also take Lyrica 4 times a day and numerous medications! for Depression. I have had no side affects taking Metanx with any of my prescriptions. The medication is very expensive but what are you gonna do? Hope this helps alittle good luck to you.


Physician recently prescribed Metanx and insurance company refuses to pay for medication.
We are currently going to pay out of pocket and praying for reiief of numbness, tingling and most of all burning sensation in my husbands feet.

John Malkin

I used Metanx for 2 months, as prescribed by my doctor and I’m very pleased with the results. I’m feeling way better than two months ago.


I have taken Metanx for about 3 weeks. I’ve noticed that it is making me sick to my stomach in the mornings. Is this suppose to be taken on a lull stomach?


I haven’t had any relief from this product. Not sure why, but it just doesn’t work.


I was told to take 2 tablets a day. I have severe
neuropathy in both feet for years. Would it be
alright to take 3 or 4 tablets aday?
Thanks, Rob

Iulian (Editor)
Reply to  Rob

Metanx is a form of prescription medicine and in this case, we cannot offer dosage recommendations. The only one entitled to such recommendations is your doctor. Our advice is to go and talk to him about these symptoms and he can decide if your dose is too high (or too low) or if another treatment is required in your case.

Reply to  Rob

I am also a big fan of Metanx. I recommend it to All of our patients with any type of nerve problems. Besides containing “healthy ” support for nerve function, it lowers the levels of homocytstien, an aminoacid that can be harmful to circulation. I see a lot of cardiologist now are recommending it as an adjunctive treatment for CAD. William : due to the nature of the product being a B 6, b12, folic acid combo, this is a relatively safe, harmless product as B vitamins are water soluable and excreted in the urine. They are not stored in the liver like A,D,E,&K. I think you have nothing to loose but much to gain if it works. I have diabetic neuropathy and take 2 daily. You may want to start with one tab and try it for 2 weeks if no improvement up the dosage to 2 daily. I have heard some docs speak that some patients need up to 4 a day. You will need a prescription to get it though. I am so glad I found this post.
My Doctor just prescribed Metanx for me today for my neuropathy.
I have been searching for something to help me get off the lyrica because the lyrica is causing so much weight gain for me.
This post makes me feel so much better. I am glad it is working for you and I so hope it does for me also. I have been on Metanx for 6 weeks 2 a day and the results have been overwhelming. I have not only cut my pain meds back to as needed, but I have stopped the dreadful lyrica. Lyrica was making me vomit and I was unable to drive. Metanx has been a life saver. Stick with it. Hope you too feel better. I always recommend two pills daily and have not had any patients report nausea. Somnolence (drowsiness) is reported in the literature but is also a side effect that I’ve never heard reported from any of my patients in all the years of prescribed Metanx or it’s predecessor Foltx.
However, any medication can cause any reaction in any patient.

Metanx can take up to 4 months to provide benefits, though in my practice the majority of my patients see SOME relief or benefits within a few weeks. I’m glad to hear that you’ve found a doctor that at least seems thorough, though I’m sorry to learn that you’ve also been diagnosed with diabetes. I’m sure that’s another diagnosis you didn’t need to have added to your list.
Although it certainly won’t ‘cure’ all your symptoms, I am a VERY strong proponent of the use of Metanx for my patients, especially those who are diabetic and those with any symptoms of neuropathy.
The patients who I have prescribed Metanx for have overall reported tremendous relief of their symptoms. Metanx is basically a prescription form of B vitamins, but even those that were previously taking B complex vitamins are often helped by Metanx. FYI…here’s what the Metanx website says: Metanx® helps the blood vessels to produce a natural vasodilator called nitric oxide. As a result, blood flow increases in the vessels that carry important nutrients and oxygen to the nerves.9 Metanx® also works to assist in nerve functions including production of the myelin sheath, a fatty substance that protects the nerve fibers. Note: The only side effects that my patients have reported have been a temporary/transient loosening of their bowels, which was a welcome side effect for some of my elderly patients! LOL… Although I agree with your doctor that it may take a while to obtain relief with Metanx, I do not agree that you must wait 6 months. Some of my patients obtain some level of relief with 2 weeks, but the overwhelming majority see positive results within 2 months or sooner.
In my experience, if a patient has not obtained significant relief within 3 months, he/she will not see any significant benefits down the line. First of all, if there is any injury to the nerve, the Lyrica will not ‘help’ that injury. Lyrica simply treats the symptoms of nerve disorders such as pain, burning, etc.,but really does nothing to ‘treat’ the underlying problem.
If there is an injury to the nerve or damage to the nerve, your doctor may want to consider treatment with a complex of B vitamins or the use of a medication called Metanx. This is usually used for patients with diabetic neuropathy, but I often use this medication with patients with various nerve related symptoms that aren’t diabetic, with significant success. May God Bless you all are my prayers…

Reply to  Tony

I am 34 and not a diabetic but recently had my bloodwork done and my OBGYN told me that I had an enzyme mutation which can be linked to depression and increase risk of stroke although i am not depressed. Meanwhile I have also been having issues with my pudendal nerve so she prescribed this to me. I just want to add that i have never in my life been on any prescription medication and i am nervous with reading some of the reviews stating irreversible damage and the side effects because I have always been healthy overall and wondering if this is worth starting up someone at my age with that issue?