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Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula Review – Is it Effective?

By Sasha de Beausset Aparicio, MSc

Reviewed by Rebecca Williams, MD, MA, MB, BChir

Last Updated:

Evidence Based | Facts | Ingredients | Cautions | Price | Suggested Use | Verdict

Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula is claimed to be a supplement designed to help you assist throughout various stages of the weight-loss process. The company behind the product is NuScience, which was founded in 1969 as an independent research and development facility. The company focuses on manufacturing oxygen based health and beauty products and is the creator of the CELLFOOD brand of oxygen nutrition and skin care products. These products are designed to improve physical health and performance and boost dermal vitality. This company is one of the leading developers of high-performance oxygen based beauty and dietary health products.

Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula is claimed to be unique, since it works naturally by helping the organism in decreasing fat storage by inhibiting synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol. According to the company’s statements, this formula combines the proprietary blend called Cellfood with fat burners L-Carnitine and Garcinia Cambogia plant extract in order to support a healthy and successful weight loss program.

In addition, Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formulais marketed as a great support in the detoxification of the body, cleaning the liver and bowel and reducing stress. However, for an optimum weight loss you have to combine dietary supplementation with healthy eating habits (eating food in high fibers and drinking plenty of purified or distilled water) and physical exercise.


1) Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula Quick Facts

Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula includes L-Carnitine, an amino acid that is naturally produced in the body. Supplements based on this compound are usually used in order to increase natural L-carnitine levels in people who for various reasons are unable to synthesize this amino-acid. It is also commonly used as a support for strict vegetarians, dieters, and low-weight or premature infants. This amino-acid plays an important role in the treatment of conditions related to the heart and blood vessels including heart-related chest pain, congestive heart failure (CHF), heart complications of a disease called diphtheria, heart attack, leg pain caused by circulation problems (intermittent claudication), and high cholesterol. Not many scientific evidence supports its benefits as a weight loss support however. It appears toSome studies do show that work by increasing muscle mass, reducing fat mass, and fatigue which may promote weight loss in some people. Side effects are generally mild and rare.

Another important ingredient in Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula is the Garcinia Cambogia extract, which is a fruit that grows in many parts of the world. It is more commonly known by the name of Tamarind and it has many benefits for the body, such as being a dual-action fat burner. It has been touted for appetite suppressing effects, lowering the calorie intake and blocking fats. Also, it may be able to prevent cells from storing fat and it can reduce belly fat without any further action being necessary. There are some clinical studies that suggest an increase in Serotonin levels for those who have used this extract, which decreases the risk of depression; it may also enhance the Cortisol levels, further reducing your stress to help you avoid binge eating.


2) Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula Ingredients

Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula contains the following ingredients: Cellfood proprietary blend, L-Carnitine, and Garcinia Cambogia Extract.

If you want a weight loss supplement with caffeine, check out OxyELITE Pro.

3) What Does Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula Do?

The formula includes L-Carnitine, an amino acid that is naturally produced in the body. Supplements based on this compound are usually used to increase L-carnitine levels in people whose natural level of L-carnitine is decreased for various reasons. It is also commonly used as a support for strict vegetarians, dieters, and low-weight or premature infants. This compound is a potent fat burner since it is responsible for the transport of fats into the cells to be used for energy in the body. By raising the level of muscle L-Carnitine, the fat burning process and the energetic metabolism will be enhanced. The physical performance may be improved by burning more fat, sparing glycogen, clearing muscle lactate, and increasing anabolic hormone response thanks to this compound. This amino-acid also plays an important role in the treatment of conditions related to the heart and blood vessels including heart-related chest pain, congestive heart failure (CHF), heart complications of a disease called diphtheria, heart attack, leg pain caused by circulation problems (intermittent claudication), and high cholesterol.

Another important ingredient in the formula is Garcinia Cambogia extract, which is a fruit that grows in many parts of the world. It is more commonly known by the name of Tamarind, and it has many benefits for the body, such as being a dual-action fat burner, by suppressing the appetite, lowering the calorie intake and blocking fats. Also, it may be able to prevent cells from storing fat, and it can reduce belly fat without any further action necessary. Some clinical studies suggest an increase in Serotonin levels which decreases the risk of depression; and it may also enhance Cortisol levels, further reducing stress to help you avoid binge eating. You should mix 20 drops in 8 ounces of purified water or juice, and take at before bedtime. Also, it is suggested that you stop eating three hours before taking Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula.

There are testimonials online regarding Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula. What is being said includes the following:

  • I’m amazed that this has worked starting from the first night. With no exercise or extra dieting, I’ve lost 3 pounds in 3 days already.

4) Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula Benefits & Results

  • There are numerous testimonials on this product and the majority of them report positive results.
  • The company has a very prestigious reputation.
  • There are no mentioned side-effects for the supplement.
  • The Cellfood proprietary blend is an important addition of essential nutrients, for anyone.

5) What You Need to Know Before Taking Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula

  • The company might not mention all the ingredients included in the formula.
  • Some users report no weight-loss results after using the formula

6) Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula Price

Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula cannot be ordered from the manufacturer’s official website, but there are other various online retailers from which you can obtain the supplement, and some of them even offer discounts and free shipping charges. The suggested price is quite reasonable, and the supplement comes in a 1-ounce unbreakable bottle that provides a 60-day supply when taken according to the manufacturer’s directions. On their official website, you can easily find out where can you purchase the product from. Compared to similar products, this supplement may be categorized as more effective and powerful, according to the company’s statements.

Suggested Use

7) Suggested Use

You should mix 20 drops of Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formulain 8 ounces of purified water or juice, and take before bedtime. Also, it is suggested that you stop eating three hours before taking the supplement.


8) Our Verdict on Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula

Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula seems to be a great choice for people who need an extra help in loosing weight. Additionally, the formula may increase the body’s metabolic action and also feed the cardiac engine and strengthen the heart muscle, by improving the cardiovascular system and maintaining healthy HDL cholesterol. There are several testimonials of this product and it seems that people are generally satisfied with it. Nonetheless, several consumers claim that it does not achieve the advertised results. You should be aware that it is not enough using this supplement, but you should also follow some other important steps related to a healthy diet and exercises in the fight against extra pounds. If under medical care or if pregnant or nursing you should consult a health professional.

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Simon Wong

Would like to check how many bottle to see the effect and how long it takes?

Iulian (Editor)
Reply to  Simon Wong


Cellfood Weight Loss Formula made by Lumina Health may support the maintenance of weight management naturally with diet and exercise. Each 4 oz bottle is enough for about 20 servings (20 drops). They recommend shaking the bottle vigorously before using it. Mix 20 drops in 8 ounces of purified water or juice and take at bedtime. For best results, stop eating three (3) hours before taking Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula. Must be taken on an empty stomach. Now, regarding the results. Please understand that each individual is different, so results may vary from one user to another. Lumina Health also recommends combining Cellfood Weight Loss Formula with a daily regime of exercises, healthy foods (fruits and vegetables), and plenty of water. All these factors may affect the efficiency of the treatment.

Lara Hallow

I don’t usually comment on these kind of websites.. but when I do it’s because I want to insist on the fact that Cellfood Natural Weight Loss Formula is great! I have always been lazy and used to do nothing in what is related to sports. For this reason and because of the fact that I love sweets, I have always been a little chubby. Thanks to this supplement I lost enough pounds to feel good again and it also gave me the motivation to be more active.

Mervy Dellow

I just want to say that you should not hesitate in buying this product. It is amazing how many pounds I have lost since I decided to have a healthy lifestyle and start using this supplement. I feel more energized and attractive than ever before! Thank you NuScience!