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Serenite Jr Review – 8 Things You Need to Know

By Sasha de Beausset Aparicio, MSc

Reviewed by Rebecca Williams, MD, MA, MB, BChir

Last Updated:

Evidence Based | Summary | Nutrition Info | Health Benefits | Warnings | Cost | Dosing | Bottom Line

Serenite Jr. is an herbal remedy manufactured by Native Remedies, an U.S. based company that has a long history manufacturing dietary supplements, currently offering around 250 products for different illnesses. The supplement is claimed to promote healthy sleep patterns in children and babies, settle occasional nighttime restlessness and help manage teething-related sleep disturbances. The product is an easily administered liquid formula that can be diluted in a small amount of water or juice. Serenite Jr. is a non-addictive formulation that contains 100% natural herbal extracts, safe to use by all children and babies over the age of 6 months, concentrated and specially formulated for fast absorption into the system in order to obtain rapid results.

Serenite Jr. is an average priced-supplement, available for purchase on the Native Remedies website. They offer an unconditional 1-year money-back guarantee on orders up to $200, less shipping fees.


1) What is Serenite Jr?

Serenite Jr.is an herbal remedy that contains herbs often used in sleep disorder supplements. One of them is Passion flower, a plant native to North America, used for insomnia, gastrointestinal (GI) upset related to anxiety or nervousness, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and relieving symptoms related to narcotic drug withdrawal. Studies have found that the consumption of passionflower tea yields short-term subjective sleep benefits for healthy adults. Chamomile is also used to treat insomnia; it can be used to provide quick relief for sleeplessness and anxiety. Serenite Jr. also contains Coffea (30C) or highly diluted coffee, used under the homeopathic principle that like cures like and it’s recommended for those who have a tendency to become ‘unreasonable’. Cina (30C) is also a homeopathic remedy used for children that have sleeping difficulties.

Nutrition Info

2) Ingredients of Serenite Jr

Serenite Jr. includes the following ingredients: Coffea (30C), Chamomile, Passion flower, Cina (30C)

3) What Does Serenite Jr Do?

Serenite Jr.is an herbal remedy that contains two herbs often used in sleep disorder supplements. Chamomile has been used since ancient times to treat several diseases, and recent studies have shown it to have antiseptic, antispasmodic, antipyretic, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiallergenic properties. It is best known as a muscle relaxant and antispasmodic and is also widely and very often used as a sleeping aid. Chamomile can be used to treat insomnia and anxiety even on an irregular basis, and it doesn’t need to be taken regularly to work. The herb is also known to reduce swelling produced by allergic reactions, and can be efficient in decongesting sinuses or relieving food allergies that might cause to sleeplessness. However, users should be aware of the fact that Chamomile itself might cause an allergic reaction to those suffering from Hayfever.

Serenite Jr. also contains Coffea (30C) or highly diluted coffee. It is used under the homeopathic principle that like cures like and it’s recommended for those who have a tendency to become ‘unreasonable.’ Cina (30C) is also a homeopathic remedy used for children that have sleeping difficulties.

The manufacturer does not state any side effects of Serenite Jr., but parents should be aware of the fact that Chamomile might cause an allergic reaction to those suffering from Hayfever. The recommended dosage varies with the age of the child: for babies 6-11 months one drop 15 minutes before bedtime, for children 1-8 years one drop per year of age 15 minutes before bedtime, children 9-14 years 0.25 mL 15 minutes before bedtime.

Testimonials are available on the manufacturer’s website, and they include:

  • More alert in the morning and at school;

  • Very impressed from the very first day

  • Child sleeps with no problem

Health Benefits

4) Serenite Jr Health Benefits

  • 100% natural herbal ingredients;
  • Available for purchase on the manufacturer’s website;
  • 1 year money-back guarantee;
  • Reliable manufacturer;
  • Suited for babies as young as 6 months;
  • Easily administered liquid formula;
  • Affordable price.


5) Serenite Jr Product Warnings

  • Formula not fully researched;
  • No trial offer available.


6) How Much Does Serenite Jr Cost?

Serenite Jr. is a rather inexpensive supplement: It comes in 60 ml bottles which should last for a long time – up to 240 days, depending upon the amount taken. The product can be bought directly from the manufacturer’s website where buyers can benefit from special discounts; a “Buy 2 get one free” offer and a special price for auto delivery plus free shipping.

This supplement is also available from many other online retailers that may offer discounts, free shipping and even free bottles for larger orders. Serenite Jr. like all Native Remedies products comes with a one year money back guarantee policy, stating that any product returned within a one-year time frame will be fully refunded (except shipping cost).


7) Serenite Jr Serving Size

The manufacturer does not state any side effects of Serenite Jr., but Chamomile has been known to cause allergic reactions in people suffering from Hay fever. The recommended dosage varies with the age of the child: for babies 6-11 months 1 drop 15 minutes before bedtime, for children 1-8 years 1 drop per year of age 15 minutes before bedtime, children 9-14 years 0.25 mL 15 minutes before bedtime.

Bottom Line

8) The Bottom Line – “Does it Work?”

Serenite Jr. is a product that addresses sleep disorders that affect children and babies over 6 months. Although there is little evidence to support the claims of this exact formulation, there are many studies showing the effectiveness of Chamomile and Passion Flower extracts. There is also a large number of positive testimonials and user reviews for Serenite Jr. claiming good and quick results. The supplement is rather inexpensive, as one 60 ml bottles lasts up to 240 days, depending upon the amount taken. The product can be bought directly from the manufacturer’s website, where buyers can benefit from special discounts, a “Buy 2 get 1 free” offer and a special price for auto delivery plus free shipping.

To conclude, Serenite Jr. appears to be another reliable product from Native Remedies and promises to deliver on its claims. However, parents should check with their pediatrician before treating their child using this or any other supplement.

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Well, I\’m not convinced yet. I gave to my daughter about a dozen times. half the time she quiets down and goes to sleep and the other times it does nothing…

Debora Miland

My youngest daughter had a terrible time sleeping. She was crying, keeping her 7 year old brother awake half the night! I tried these and after a few adjustment on the dosage it worked pretty well. She still has some episodes, but not every night.