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Odor Controlled Garlic Review – 8 Things You Didn’t Know

By Sasha de Beausset Aparicio, MSc

Reviewed by Rebecca Williams, MD, MA, MB, BChir

Last Updated:

Evidence Based | Synopsis | Ingredients | Benefits | Contraindications | Cost | Directions | Does it Work

Odor Controlled Garlic is a supplement aimed at people that are concerned about their cholesterol levels and try keeping them within a healthy range. Thebeneficialaspects of garlic on human health are known, but there are concerns regarding the foul breath that consumption of garlic usually brings. This product claims it solves this problem using a slow release system that reduces the garlic odor to a virtually untraceable amount, while still providing all of the health benefits.

The manufacturer of this product is Pharmavite, under the brand name Nature Made, one of three branches of the major pharmaceutical company. Pharmavite has amassed a large customer base, mostly through their strategy of providing high quality at low prices.


1) Odor Controlled Garlic at a Glance

Odor Controlled Garlic is a product that contains raw garlic in a dehydrated form. The main health benefit that garlic presents is through the high content of Allicin, a sulfur compound that is normally lost in the process of extracting nutrients from garlic. However, Odor Controlled Garlic is not based on extracts, containing pure garlic in its formulation.

The main issue with garlic-based supplements that contain Allicin is that they cause bad breath; in this product this problem is solved by using a slow release formulation that only allows small amounts of the substance into the body, eliminating the bad breath and skin smell that prolonged consumption of garlic usually brings.

Allicin has proven a difficult substance to research, due to it only being released when the garlic plant is damaged and having a fast oxidation in direct contact with air. Studies have shown that it has stronganti-fungaland antimicrobial properties, as well as positive effects for the cardiovascular system; the substance decreases blood pressure and lowers cholesterol levels.


2) Details on Odor Controlled Garlic Ingredients and Uses

Odor Controlled Garlic contains: Concentrated Garlic bulb, Cellulose Gel, Croscarmellose Sodium, Silicon Dioxide, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Magnesium Stearate, Polyethylene Glycol, and Carnauba Wax.

3) Is Odor Controlled Garlic Right for You?

Odor Controlled Garlic relies on the health-sustaining qualities of garlic. According to the manufacturer, nothing is added or extracted from raw garlic except the moisture. Garlic contains more than 100 sulfur compounds, which are the ones that give this plant its medicinal properties. The most well-known and potent garlic sulfur compound is Allicin. Unfortunately, Allicin also gives garlic its strong, characteristic smell. Many researchers believe that garlic cannot be made odorless without losing the properties of Allicin, which is the most important enzyme found in garlic. Please note that this formula does contain Allicin but its slow release inside our bodies prevents the unpleasant odor of the breath and skin, commonly associated with eating large quantities of garlic.

Allicin is the primary defense mechanism of the garlic plant, and it is released when the plant is damaged. It has high antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Researchers found that it supports the cardiovascular system, normalizing lipoprotein balance, decreasing blood pressure and reducing the deposition of fats. Several clinical trials suggested that daily intake of garlic can lower the risk of heart attacks and other heart problems.

The recommended dosage is two tablets per day. You should swallow the tablets without chewing them.


4) Odor Controlled Garlic Benefits & Results

  • Provides all the health benefits of garlic, without the bad smell associated with it
  • Can lower and maintain cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Reputable manufacturer that has GMP recognition
  • Available at around $25 for a box containing 300 tablets, which can last around 4 months
  • 30-day quality money-back guarantee


5) Odor Controlled Garlic Warnings and Precautions

  • Purchasing directly from the manufacturer is not possible
  • Shipping and purchase costs might vary between different retailers


6) Odor Controlled Garlic Cost

Odor Controlled Garlic has great value. It is available in sizes of 100, 200 or 300 tablets, depending on the needs of each customer. The average price-per-tablet is low.

You may purchase this product from online or offline retailers. Because Nature Made is a favorite brand, it should be easy to find in a drugstore near your location. Equally convenient is to purchase this product from an online source. You can order it directly to your location. Please note that the price and the shipping charges vary from one retailer to another.


7) Directions For Taking Odor Controlled Garlic

For optimal results, you should swallow two tablets daily.

Does it Work

8) Bottom Line – Does It Really Work?

Most adults experience problems with their blood pressure and cholesterol levels at some point throughout their lives. This is mostly due to the lack of attention they pay to these aspects of their health and the difficulty of finding efficient products that can provide the aid they need. Odor Controlled Garlic eliminates this problem, providing a product that has all the benefits and none of the drawbacks of garlic consumption.

Many customers have tried this product offered by Nature Made, and they report that they felt better afterwards, Odor Controlled Garlic reducing their cholesterol levels, while not causing any bad smells or tastes.

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