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Neuro Adrenal Profile Review – 4 Facts You Need to Know

By Sasha de Beausset Aparicio, MSc

Reviewed by Rebecca Williams, MD, MA, MB, BChir

Last Updated:

Evidence Based | Ingredients | Cost | Does it Work

Neuro Adrenal Profile is designed to offer a comprehensive test that is claimed to help someone determine if they have imbalances with their adrenal and neurotransmitters. The process involves you obtaining a kit and then you follow the directions to send in urine and saliva samples. Neuro Adrenal Profile is promoted as the first step in finding out if you have a problem that can be corrected. With large numbers of the population having such concerns that go undiagnosed there are more people interested in finding out if they fall into that category.
Integrative Psychiatry offers Neuro Adrenal Profile. They are located in the United States with their headquarters in Florida. They provide a complete physical address on their website. The company that promotes this product also relies on the fact that people may like the idea of being able to administer the testing on their own instead of asking their doctor to do so for them.
They have a secure website that allows you buy Neuro Adrenal Profile as well. There is no refund allowed on the product unless the entire kit remains closed up and has not been used in any way. Such a return has to be done within 30 days. There will be a 15% restocking fee assessed.


1) Neuro Adrenal Profile Ingredients

Not Applicable

2) Does Neuro Adrenal Profile Work?

Adrenal and neurotransmitter levels can be evaluated using this Neuro Adrenal Profile. The information provided states that you will be able to find out if you suffer from depression, panic attacks, insomnia, ADD, migraines, memory loss, fatigue, OCD, or mood swings. According to the site once you submit the urine and saliva sample they will be tested.

They are sent back to the lab in a postage-paid envelope. They testing allows for levels of chemicals in the brain to be tested, GABA, glutamate, DHEA, and cortisol so that a good understanding of where those levels are compared to normal can be evaluated. The test results are mailed back with recommendations for a diagnosis and treatment. Neuro Adrenal info is sent confidentially and according to the website it is very easy to read. The information is stated to be detailed to give the user an accurate understanding of what their situation may be regarding mental health concerns and inadequate levels of various chemicals in the brain.

There is no information on the website about how this information is compiled other than to explain that both the saliva and the urine have measurable amounts of various chemicals in them that can be tested in a lab setting. The site also states that it is imperative that you complete the process for the testing accurately or it can cause false results.


3) How Much Does Neuro Adrenal Profile Cost?

The cost of the Neuro Adrenal Profile is considered to be quite pricey. In fact, compared to other similar products, it is very expensive indeed. It takes about 3 to 5 days for the test to be received once the order is placed.

Orders outside of the USA can take up to 2 weeks longer. Once the test kit is returned the results will be submitted within ten days. The cost of the kit includes the shipping fees both for the kit to get to you and then for you to send it back.

Does it Work

4) Bottom Line – Does It Really Work?

Neuro Adrenal Profile is used by the average person as a tool to discover certain properties of their body without the need to go to a doctor or specialist. According to the website the Neuro Adrenal Profile also includes a free 15-minute telephone consultation. After the test results have been received and read through you can contact them to schedule that consultation. The problem is not whether or not Neuro Adrenal Profile works, but how many people can afford it. It may not be for everyone’s pocket.

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Taking it now. Will advise….. Wish me luck.