Hyssop is presented as being a dietary supplement that was designed to be a natural method of relaxation and is made in a liquid herbal form.
This product’s manufacturer is an United States company that is called L.A. Naturals, which is situated in New Mexico and is currently in the business of manufacturing premium strength liquid herbal extracts. A medical doctor that is specialized in herbs is responsible for the development of all their products, he comes with a more than 30 year experience and has dealt with thousands of patients. The ingredients that make up all their product come from sources that are not GMO and are said to be certified organic, being either selectively imported or wild harvested, in either case no pesticides have been used or other chemical substances.
The form in which this product is present is also called a tincture and this form is presented as being more effective and potent that its pill form counterpart. The ingredients do not lose any of their properties in the drying process and don’t undergo a powerful digestive cycles and thus are said to yield better results. Hyssop is also vegetarian friendly and presents a range of general health benefits.
1) Quick Overview
Hyssopis an herbal health product that is available in liquid form and is made using only one active ingredient.
An herb called Hyssop is the only active ingredient present in this blend and can be used to make to or as medicine. In ancient times, the Greeks found this herb as being useful as to treat conditions like coughing and wheezing, today herbalists commonly use it for chest ailments and infections, being effective with respiratory infections and colds. Modern science has indicated this plant as being a potent way of obtaining relaxation and can serve as a relaxing nerve tonic that is effective of dealing with nervous exhaustion that is associated with anxiety, depression or even overwork. If consumed in oil form this plant has been reported to cause seizures; pregnant women are not advised to consume this plant because it might cause a miscarriage. Insufficient information is available as to assess the ramification or use during the nursing period, but, to be on the safe side, use is also not advised; children may also experience harmful effects as well.
2) What’s Inside Hyssop?
Hyssop contains the following ingredients: Fresh Hyssop Herb, Grain Alcohol (60-70% by volume), and Deionized Water.
3) What Does Hyssop Do?
Hyssop is an herbal dietary supplement that has one active ingredient, which is a herb called Hyssop.
Hyssop is a plant that can be used to make tea but can also serve as medicine because of its therapeutic qualities. This plant has been used since ancient times, the Greeks have found it to be useful as to treat coughing and wheezing. Some herbalists use it for its effects regarding chest ailments and infections treating colds and respiratory infections. This plant has been found to possess a relaxing effect, serving as a gentle, relaxing nerve tonic that aims to treat nervous exhaustion that is linked to anxiety, depression, or overwork. It is also said to treat insomnia and enhance mental clarity. This plant also presents itself with some side effects and is reported to produce seizures in some people if used in an oil form. Pregnant women are not to use this herb because its effects might lead to a miscarriage; not enough information is known as to assess its effects during breastfeeding, but to be on the safe side use is not advised. Also use by children may prove to be unsafe as well.
There are online testimonials about this supplement. What is being said includes the following:
- At first I felt no change, but now I feel more relaxed and calm.
- I can clearly see the chance in my brother, he’s much more detached and positive now.
4) What Hyssop Does?
- The main ingredient is an herb used since ancient times and is well researched.
- The tincture form of this product makes it more potent and effective.
- The ingredient comes from a GMO free source and is organic certified.
5) What You Need to Know Before Taking Hyssop
- Pregnant and nursing women are not to use this product.
- The core ingredient if used in oil form was linked with the production of seizures.
6) How Much Does Hyssop Cost?
As with all of the other products that come from this manufacturer, this formula also comes in the form of a one-ounce bottle that comes equipped with a dropper that is meant to help precise dosing. Each container is designed to provide a months supply and has the recommended dosage of 15-35 drops of formula in water or juice that are to be taken two or three times per day. This product can be acquired through retailers because the manufacturer does not directly commercialize it, this implies that there are no free trials or money-back guarantees available and also the price of the product and shipping can also vary.
7) Hyssop Directions
The form in which Hyssop is commercialized is a one ounce bottle, and comes with a relatively good price for a month’s supply.
8) Our Final Take On Hyssop
Hyssop is an affordable health product that is available in the form of a liquid herbal extract that is said to yield better results that in the pill form. The core ingredient is quite effective, but it comes with some risks (pregnant and nursing women are not to use it). Several online retailers sell this product due to the fact the direct purchase from the manufacturer is not available, thus no free trials or money back guarantees are available and also not a fix price. This product is natural and the ingredients use are organic certified and have no traces of pesticides or harmful chemicals.
At first I felt no change, but now I really feel more relaxed and calm.