Mia Donley, MPH, RD
Medical Expert Contributor
Mia Donley is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and the lead consultant for the National School Lunch Program and other school nutrition programs within Wyoming. In this capacity, she works with school-aged children and their families. She has also worked in adult weight-loss counseling, taught cooking classes for children, provided inpatient nutrition at hospitals, and completed a fellowship in neurodevelopmental disabilities.
She is experienced in public health and nutrition education, specializing in leading youth and adult health education through classes and written communication. She received her BS in Nutrition and Dietetics from Auburn University and her MPH from the University of Minnesota.
Mia Donley has published research regarding the topics of childhood obesity in minority families and her own qualitative research for her master’s thesis on autism and nutrition in Somali families. Additionally, she has written success stories aimed towards stakeholders and the public for the CDC and a chapter on cultural competency for nutrition professionals for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Some of her work can be seen here:
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